Wednesday 13 January 2016

Step Out To Make Mistakes

While taking the MRT, I felt heat on my left knee again. Usually, this means that someone in the proximity needs healing. It used to be on my right palm but this manifestation disappeared. When it re-appears, it is on my left knee.

I looked up and saw a middle-age guy sitting on the opposite. I thought I heard "gastric issue". So I went up to him in the train and asked. Well, I got it wrong. He didn't have gastric issue.

Sometimes, it could be an ailment of the past; it could be a recurring ailment; or it could be a prophetic word for what is to come.

Nevertheless, I apologised for getting it wrong. From his look, I knew that I appeared weird and foolish in his sight. But I'm not ashamed of the Gospel. Perfect love casts out all fear.

We may applaud at successful testimonies. But it sometimes causes us to think, "I'm not sure if I can do it."

Yet it is the unsuccessful stories that give us courage to step out in faith, knowing that someone has already missed it. "If he tries and misses it, I can try and make mistakes too."

Failures should not stop us from walking in faith. In fact, it takes faith to fail. If you have never failed, you may have probably never stepped out of the boat.

Bill Johnson said this before, "Fear comes like a thief. It robs Peter from a good walk and keeps the rest of the disciples in the boat."

My son fell many times when he took his first step to walk. But his failures did not stop him from walking. In fact, he tried all the more. He knew that practice makes permanent. It was the tenacity that kept him going.

Successes build faith.
But failures build faith with character.

Let's step out of the boat to make mistakes so that we can grow more!

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