Tuesday 31 March 2015


After sending Jeshua to nanny, I planned to do a few things today. Took a wrong bus from Punggol interchange, thinking that it would also reach my place.

Ended up in a wrong direction. Was a tad frustrated at the beginning as time is precious to me.

As I walked to Sengkang station, I was reminded how blessed I am to live in Singapore. I'm thankful that it's small so that I can reach home quickly. I'm thankful that we have efficient transport system too.

As I returned to Punggol station, I saw the same security officer whom I saw earlier when I alighted at Punggol. Earlier, I had a WOK concerning the back of his right knee, but I didn't pray for him as I was rushing for time.

Now that I saw him again, I quickly went to him. He asked me how I knew. In fact, both the back of his knees were in pain.

Got him to sit down and laid hands on his knees. As he tested them out, he felt good and said, "The knees are suddenly lighter."

Told him that Jesus loves him.

I'm thankful that even when I went the wrong way, the Way (Jesus) is available for others to experience Him.

Monday 30 March 2015

Coffee Shop

Before today's Holy Week service, my colleague and I went to the coffeeshop that is opposite the Lao Ban soya beancurd shop.

While getting drinks, I had a WOK - left shoulder ache for one of the ladies at the drink stall.

She confirmed it.

Prayed twice and she felt the same. Am trusting that Jesus would completely heal her as she returns home.

Friday 27 March 2015

Spine Issue

Usually I would bring Jeshua to his nanny in the morning by bus. But as he slept late last night (or this morning at 12am), I decided to take a cab, hoping that he would not wake up by the traveling.

Had a vague impression that the driver had spine issue. I checked with him and he shared that he didn't know if he had, but he would experience pain whenever he tried to bend his back.

Prayed a quick prayer for him as we stopped at the side of the road. Didn't have time to get him to test out though.

It is impossible to lay hand without anything happening. Am trusting Jesus to heal him completely.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Cab Driver - Hearing Issue

As usual, I took a cab for regular monthly pastoral visitation. Went alone as my colleague was on MC.

Had a WOK for the driver - right ear issue.

Checked with him and he shared that he couldn't hear properly with his right ear occasionally.

Laid hand and prayed. Then I checked with him twice to see how he was. He nodded his head and said, "Now better."

He asked me, "Oh... if I cover my ear with my hand for a while, I will get better, is it?"

I said, "No. It's because I prayed for you."

Blessed him with Jesus. Trusting for complete manifestation!

Prayed for a Muslim guy with crutches. He had no pain at that moment as he was on pain killer. Encounter him, Jesus!

Sunday 22 March 2015

A Group Of Filipinos

Saw a group of Filipinos at the pavilion in Tampines. Had a WOK - left side of the neck.

Turned out to be the right side of the neck. Prayed and she felt better. Trusting the Lord for complete manifestation.

WOK Through Feeling

Was standing near someone in the sanctuary when I suddenly felt a warm sensation at my left knee. I knew that the person needed healing on his left knee.

Checked with him and prayed but didn't have time to ask him to test out.

Friday 20 March 2015

Driver - Left Neck

WOK - pain at left neck area. Driver was reluctant to confirm. I asked him more than five times before he finally nodded. Prayed for him.

Fork & Spoon Foodcourt

While waiting for my food at a Korean stall at Fork & Spoon foodcourt, I had a WOK for the Malay lady - left knee. It turned out to be her right knee instead. She had pain due to a massage at Batam. In fact, she told me that it was swollen.

As there were customers behind me, I decided to wait for the right opportunity to pray for her.

After my lunch, when I saw that there was no one buying from her stall, I went up to her. Prayed by holding her right hand. 

When she tested her knee, her expression was priceless. She got much better. She couldn't bend her right knee before prayer. But she could now do it.

She was overjoyed and told the Muslim lady from another stall immediately about what had just happened.

She asked me for my namecard. Gave her and blessed her in Jesus' name.

Thursday 19 March 2015

On Leave - Jalan Kayu

As it's school holiday, I took leave to spend time with my son and wifey for the past two days.

Today, my wifey and I had brekkie at Jalan Kayu. While paying for the pratas at the counter, I had a WOK - left knee for the Indian cashier. He confirmed it and shared that he fell one year ago.

Prayed and he had no more pain. Thank You Jesus!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Outreach At TPY

Today we had about 20 over members joining us at TPY outreach.

Two members followed me as we reached out to the community.

1) Had a WOK for a female sales assistant at a shop selling shoes - left shoulder problem. She didn't want to be prayed for as she was working. Talked to her a little about Jesus.

2) Had a WOK for a lady in her 50s working in a Chinese medical hall - left hip. She allowed me to pray for her. She couldn't test out the difference as the pain would come on and off. Talked to her about Jesus and the Church we come from.

3) Saw an Indonesia helper pushing an old grandma on the wheelchair. The grandma speaks Hokkien so I could converse with her abit. Prayed for both her legs as she felt weak. Had a WOK concerning her relationship with her son. Asked her if she has a son and she nodded. Asked her if her relationship with her son wasn't good and she expressed sadness and disappointment. Told her that Jesus can restore her relationship with her son and prayed for her.

Prayed for her helper who had back problem. When we got her to test out, she said that it was okay at that moment.

4) Had a WOK for an Indian man sitting in a coffeeshop with his two other Indian friends. Left neck problem. At first, he denied it. But he revealed later that he had it. He didn't want to be prayed for though, because he believes that everyone is already healed. They are Singaporean Christians but their Scripture understanding is very different. I suspect that it could be a cult church. He shared many things about the Scriptures with me. I wanted to defend but I felt that I shouldn't hold a debate with him. Thus, I just listened to him. He asked for my number to invite me to his New Jerusalem Tabernacle church. Gave it to him.


Saturday 14 March 2015

Interesting - Power of God

There was once when my wife and I met up with a prophet. We got him to pray for my late father-in-law who was struggling with esophagus cancer. We brought him for lunch after prayer. He started prophesying on my wife and I and imparted the fire of the Holy Spirit on us. I could feel the heat on my palm.

When I returned home, as I was doing my devotion, I decided to "play". I do various things in my devotional time when I'm with my loving Father. It is in His presence that there is fullness of joy.

I saw a small spider crawling on the wall in my study room. Stretching out my index finger, I pointed to the spider and shouted, "Fire!" Guess what, the spider immediately dropped dead on my study table. I couldn't explain the peculiarity of this incident, except that I have a humorous Father in heaven.

I have heard of John G Lake, one of the most famous healing revivalists in the 19th century, on how he would point to individuals in an open meeting and lightning bolt would fly out from his finger to hit the individual. The individual would experience the power of God and fly back a distance before hitting the ground unhurt. He explained, "That is the real power of God."

I am hungry for more. Power not for display. Power to BE His witness.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Watson - TPY

Had a WOK for the cashier at Watson, TPY. Her left neck. She confirmed it.

Didn't get to pray for her as there were many customers behind me.

Heal her, Lord.

Cheers - Farrer Park MRT

Was on my way to CT Hub for a preaching seminar.

Alighted at Farrer Park and decided to go to Cheers to get water. Had a WOK for the cashier - right knee pain.

She asked me how I knew. Apparently, she just fell and injured that area not long ago.

Prayed for her and she asked, "Why is there a sense of strength?"

Told her about Jesus.

Saturday 7 March 2015


My ex-church youth's mother went to be with the Lord this afternoon. I just went to visit and pray for her at SGH on Thursday.

The stage 4 cancer (read: the devil) had taken her life. I am angry at the thief.

I must have MORE. I need to grow MORE!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Rest Day

Off day today. Went AMK Hospital to visit an uncle who used to work at Best Denki but he has suffered from a stroke. Apparently he was discharged yesterday! I don't have his contact though.

Had a WOK for an uncle - right ankle. He said its his left ankle though but his pain comes on and off.

Had a WOK for a driver - right calf. He said its his left calf instead. He met with an accident some time ago but he doesn't have pain at that moment.

Alighted at Clarke Quay MRT as I decided to get a snack for my son and a little gift for my wife. Had a WOK for the female cashier at a Korean/Jap snack shop at The Central - left shoulder. Wanted to stretch out my hand to pray but she stepped back, saying that there is a camera and she's supposed to be doing her work.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Baptism Of The Holy Spirit And Filipinos

Taught on the subject of the Holy Spirit at baptism & membership class. All except one received the gift of tongues. One lady came to me after the class ended and shared a powerful testimony.

She was doubting if there is really an afterlife. But during baptism of the Holy Spirit, she saw a strong, bright light near her. Her whole palms and body were filled with heat. As she was sharing, she broke down in tears because the whole experience was so real to her. What an encouraging testimony! God loves her.

Was heading home from church when I saw a group of Filipino helpers sitting on the grass patch. Had a WOK for one of them - right arm near elbow area.

Went to approach them and she told me that it's her. Prayed and she was healed.

Another saw what happened and she requested me to pray for her lower back. She had just gone to see the specialist. Prayed and she was healed.

The former one asked me to pray for her right upper back as that was some pain. I got the second Filipino to pray for her instead. Yeah! She was healed!

She then asked me to pray for both her toes as they were swollen because of her sandals. Prayed and trusting God to heal her.

Shared with them about Jesus and the church I'm working in. They are very open as they are Catholics.