Monday 30 June 2014

Salvation In Hospital

Occasionally, I like to visit Tan Tock Seng hospital during lunch hour to reach out to the patients at Orthopedics department. This is something that the Lord has impressed upon my heart to do so.

One day, I went with a friend to reach out at the same place. An Indian guy walked towards the Orthopedics department and he seemed to be limping. Seeing that, my friend went to approach him to pray for his leg and he felt better. My friend started talking to him when I walked over to join him.

The Indian guy shared that he used to be a police officer for many years until he felt dominated by his superior. As a result, he left the force. While we were having the conversation, I felt God giving a word of knowledge concerning the stiffness from his neck to both his shoulders. God said, "If he releases forgiveness to his supervisor, he will be healed totally."

So I asked him, "Do you have stiffness around your neck and shoulder area?"

He gave a surprised look. "How come you know?"

"We are Christians. Christians can talk to Jesus and Jesus will talk to us. If you will release forgiveness to your supervisor, you will be totally healed."

He listened.

We led him to pray a prayer of forgiveness. After he prayed, we got him to test out his neck and shoulders without even praying for him to be healed.

His eyes were wide open. "How can this be possible?! The pain is gone."

My friend immediately shared the Gospel with him and we led him to Christ.

One soul encountered Jesus and is saved.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Anywhere, Anytime...

In the recent church camp (June) in Malacca, I told God that I was available to reach out to the Malaysians.

During one of the free and easy segments, a few of us went to the famous chicken rice ball restaurant for lunch. We were also thinking of eating the famous chendol near that area but we didn't know where it was located.

I decided to ask one of the waitresses and she told me to ask her boss. Spoke to the young boss and he gave me the direction. Suddenly (it happens sometimes when I speak without thinking), I just asked him if he had back problem. He was rather surprised and he started sharing about the occasional sharp pain at his lower spine area, especially in the evening after work. Laid hand & prayed for him but he wouldn't be able to tell the difference as there was no pain at that moment. I took the opportunity to share about Jesus with him.

On the following day, I went to the gents and noticed a cleaner who was consistently ensuring that the toilet was clean. After striking a conversation with him, I received a word of knowledge from God concerning his left shoulder.

I touched his left shoulder and said, "Do you have pain here?" He nodded. Laid hand and prayed for him before getting him to test it out. He responded that the pain was totally gone.

As he's a Nepalese who knew little English, I had difficulty communicating the Gospel with him. Nevertheless, I told him, "Jesus loves you. Thank you for keeping the toilet clean for us."

Below is the photo taken with him.

I am reminded that we can reach one person anywhere and anytime. There are plenty of opportunities to sow the seed of the Gospel.

Last year, I was at IDMC conference at Expo. While queuing up at Coffee Beans, I asked God how I could bless the man queuing in front of me. God gave me a word of knowledge concerning the joints around his fingers. When I asked him, he was shocked. He's from Hongkong and he came with his family to Singapore to attend IDMC. Apparently, he had arthritis and the pain affected his fingers.

I got my coffee and went over to his table to pray for him. There was no visible healing (I haven't seen consistent breakthrough for arthritis personally). His daughter happened to sustain a wrist injury. Prayed for her and she felt much better. It was a joy to see God loving them. I was personally touched by His love.

In May this year, I was helping to usher VIP cars to church's car park. As I stood near the entrance of the car park, I noticed a new Indian cleaner helping out with the opening of car gantry. Spoke to him and got to know that he was a new part-time cleaner who only worked on Sunday.

God gave a word of knowledge concerning his right shoulder. I touched his right shoulder and asked him, "There is pain here right?" He said, "Yes." Prayed for him and he was totally healed. Immediately, I shared the Gospel with him. He told me that he believed in Jesus and he would sometimes visit a church when he was in India. As I knew that Hindus believe in more than one gods, I asked him if he believed in other gods other than Jesus. I was right. Jesus was not the only god he believed in. I explained to him that Jesus is the only Way and the only God. While he didn't receive salvation, the Gospel was demonstrated and shared. I'm trusting God to work in his life so that he may come to know Him personally.

Jesus said that the harvest is not just plentiful. The harvest is also white (ready). We got to bring the Good News with us and not leave it in the church.

When God Reveals

Last night, I was on my way back from church and I boarded a cab. In fact, my wife prayed for the cab to come so that I would not return home too late. Thank God for answering her prayer immediately.

As I spoke to the 47 years old driver, I received a Word of knowledge concerning his left back. So I asked him, "Do you have pain at your back area at the left side?"

He replied, "Yes. How come you know?"

I said, "When I talk to Jesus, He talks to me and He told me that you have this area of pain."

The driver responded, "I see. I have gone to the Chinese sinseh few days ago to have it adjusted. I'm feeling better now. But the pain is now at my left rotary cuff."

Calmly, I responded, "Don't worry. I will check for you later."

Driver said, "Oh... You also work as Chinese sinseh?"

"No, I don't. I work in church. As a Christian, I can pray to Jesus and He will heal you."

Driver nodded, "I see. I heard that before."

Throughout the journey home, he shared his life with me - his father just went through an operation; his wife is back to her own country as she suffers from a terminal disease and he can't afford to pay her expensive medical bills in Singapore. It is a sad story.

He said, "My wife is really very sick."

I asked, "What is she suffering from?"

He replied, "I can't tell you."

Suddenly, I spoke something out of my mouth without thinking, "Even HIV can be healed. I have a pastor friend who has seen HIV patients healed. Whatever sickness your wife has, Jesus can heal even if doctors can't."

"Actually, you are right. My wife has HIV. It was diagnosed one month after we got married. Many people told me to divorce her but I didn't want to. I felt sorry for her."

I took the opportunity to talk about Jesus.

When we arrived at my void deck, I prayed for his rotary cuff thrice and he felt so much better. Left 5% pain.

I gave him my namecard and told him to call me, if ever his wife comes back to Singapore one day. I will bring them to my friend for prayer.

Very often, we just need to be available and God will use us to touch the lives of others. I want to be available not just in church, but especially outside the four walls of the church where people are, where darkness is.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Greatest Miracle

Late 2012 to early 2013 marked the beginning of healing and miracles.

In Aug 2013, we had our youth leaders' fellowship event at Johor Bahru. It was pretty intriguing as we played the paintball game near Aeon Shopping Mall. They have three different terrains and the price is more than 50 percent cheaper as compared to Singapore.

After the paintball game, we went to Aeon for lunch at Kenny Rogers. Halfway through our meal, a young lady walked in and approached us to sell handphone accessories.

We got to know that she is deaf.

I tried to communicate with her by writing out the words but I realised that she was unable to read English. Thus, one of my youth leaders helped me to translate into Chinese.

I told her that I would like to buy one accessory from her. At the same time, I also requested if I could pray for her to be healed.

Without much hesitation, she agreed. I laid hand on her ears and prayed twice with no visible result. All of a sudden, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, "Her back is not straight. Pray for her back."

My first thought was, "What does the back have to do with her deafness?"

However, as the impression got stronger, I decided to ask her, "How is your back? Is your back straight?" (Of course, my leader was the one who helped me to translate into Chinese throughout my conversation with her)

She replied, "No. Nothing is wrong with my back."

As I felt that I heard from the Holy Spirit, I asked her to sit down on a chair so that I could verify by checking the length of her legs. True enough... She had crooked spine because her left leg was 2-3cm shorter than the right.

When she saw the difference, she was a little taken aback.

I gathered a few of my leaders and we laid hands and prayed for her left leg to grow out. There was a strong manifestation of heat around her ankle area.

Within a short while, her left leg grew out by 2-3cm so that both legs were of the same length! She was shocked by the healing.

I then asked if we could pray for her ears again. She nodded. We laid hands twice. Guess what? She could hear a little of our voices. It wasn't a complete healing but we thanked God for the partial healing.

She then asked, "Ain't all of you Christians? Why is it that you can perform miracles?"

Immediately, we shared the Gospel with her and she received Jesus into her life! Praise God! As she lives in Malaysia, we told her to attend a church near her place.

Instead of just bringing people to have an encounter with God in church, let's bring an encounter to people outside of church.

The greatest miracle, in my personal outlook, is always salvation in Jesus' name.

Below is the photo taken in Aug 2013 with the lady and two of our youth leaders.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Even When You Fail

It is always inspiring when you hear of successful stories about healing and miracles. Yet, not many will share with you about their failures and what went wrong. Randy Clark from Global Awakening is one who shared about his failures and how the failures drove him to press on for MORE breakthroughs.

Today, I encountered a failure but God redeemed it - simply because of His grace and love. While having lunch with my wife, I thought I received a word of knowledge for a waiter, concerning his right shoulder. As I approached him (in hope of blessing him), I realised that I heard God wrongly.

However, he came back to my table and asked what I do as a living. I love it when people ask me. I told him that I worked in a church. We ended up in a short conversation and I got to know that he used to attend church many years ago. After the chat, he walked away to continue with his work.

But he came back again and asked for my name and contact number. He said, "What time is your church service? If I go there, I will give you a call."

I guess our loving Father is calling him to return to Him. This happened despite the fact that I heard God wrongly.

God uses anyone who is willing to take risk for Him. With Him, nothing is impossible.

Not a literal miracle. But a surprise and divine moment.

Objects That Stick

In late 2012, I went to a small gathering in a small church in Geylang. Worship lasted more than one hour. Presence of God was strong. There was one man who fell into a trance and saw visions in heaven.

The speaker was from Australia and she shared about entering into the glory realm of God.

In the meeting, gold dust and gemstones appeared out of nowhere. These are simply manifestations of God's glory. God delights to surprise us with signs and wonders. But signs and wonders are not meant to be an end by itself. They are meant to point us to God. Our response is to worship Him.

Towards the end of the meeting, as the speaker ministered to everyone, her young son played with a 50 cent coin and it simply stuck onto the wall.

When we saw it, we were amazed. It transcended the law of gravity! Blown away by what we saw, we tried doing the same thing and our coins stuck onto the wall!

When I reached home, I told God, "If it can happen in the meeting, it can happen at home. It can happen right now."

I took out my 20 cent coin and prayed for it to be stuck onto the wall. Guess what! It did! The testimony of Jesus is indeed the spirit of prophecy.

I started playing around with coins. They got stuck to my ceiling and walls. Some of them have been there for more than 1.5 years. Even the fork was stuck there for more than 4 hours.

As I reflected on the purpose of this object-sticking miracle, I realised how humorous God the Father is. He delights when we simply enjoy Him. His love is beyond our limited knowledge and understanding.

Below is a photo taken in my study room in early 2013.

Saturday 21 June 2014


Testimonies are not only meant to glorify God and encourage others. They are also meant to reveal the nature of God and His heart. Whatever He has done before, He wants to do it again (Rev 19:10).

It is therefore important for us to keep a record of what He has done so that we can be reminded of His goodness and simply trust Him to do it again. This is the reason why I started this blog.

I want to leave a legacy of faith for my son and my son's children so that the generations (Psalm 78:4) after me continue to walk in the goodness of God and go beyond what I have experienced.