Wednesday 21 February 2024

Christ-likeness Is A Decision

Christ-likeness Is A Decision

Paul wrote alot about putting off the old self and putting on the new self (Col 3:5; 3:9-10).

Living by the Spirit is the same as living by the Word OR living in our identity OR living by faith. They are all the SAME. We don't have to be 'charismatically' flaky about each of them, unless we have not studied the Word thoroughly.

Paul had a deep encounter with God on the road to Damascus. But he didn't teach all his disciples to go after encounters. He taught them truths on the New Creation because he knew that it is the only Way for Christ-likeness.

He didn't shout, "Let the Holy Spirit touch you. I tell you... your life will never be the same again. Your life will be transformed by this encounter!!!"

Because it is both untrue and not the truth.

Paul had a deep encounter. But that encounter didn't change him. That encounter changed his mind about who God is. With all the knowledge of the Word that he already had as an ex-Pharisee, he went on to study further in the Word for many years and understood the New Covenant through revelations.

He understood what it meant to PUT ON the New Self so that he could become like Christ in all aspects.

To put on the New Self is to live according to the Spirit (aka identity, or Word, or faith). In the Spirit, we are created in God's image, like Christ. When the Bible talks about you in the New Covenant, it refers to your spirit. You are not your soul (mind, emotions, will) and your body. You are your spirit.

Alot of people get confused with this. When God sees you, He sees your spirit. Hence, when you see yourself, you must see in the Spirit too.

Since you have been made complete in Christ (Col 2:10), what is left for you to align to that completion is your soul and body. When Paul wrote that you should put on the new self or new man, he referred to your soul and body, because your spirit is already a new creation (2 Cor 5:17).

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another... - Col 3:12-13

Since you and I can put off something and put on something, it is something that is meant to be done on our part. God has done His part to change you ---- made you a new creation. Now, we need to do our part.

If we can PUT ON compassionate hearts, it means that in the Spirit, we already have compassionate hearts. We are made compassionate since we are made complete in Christ.

In other words, every time when we PUT ON the characteristics of Christ, it is a DECISION. You DECIDE to put off and put on. You DECIDE to put on kindness, humility, meekness, love, etc.

A decision will eventually become a habit, a commitment and a lifestyle. When it becomes a lifestyle (natural), it proves that your mind is renewed (Rom 12:2) to the knowledge of the image of the Creator (Col 3:10).

What if you are not waiting for God to change your mind, emotions, will and actions? What if God is waiting for you to make a decision to change your mind, emotions, will and actions?

What if putting on the image of Christ in every aspect is all about you making a decision to do so?

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