Saturday 3 February 2024

The Christian Walk

The Christian Walk

The Christian Walk is a walk of faith. Faith, Spirit and Word are all co-related and interchangeable in the Word.

To walk by faith is to walk by the Word. When we choose to walk by the Word regardless of what we see, feel and experience, we are walking by faith.

When we received Christ, we are made complete in Him (Col 2:10). This is called the New Creation (2 Cor 5:17).

Jesus didn't come to change you. He came to kill you so that you become a New Man in Him (Gal 2:20).

We are not trying to become better.
We are not trying to get more from God. When Christ cried, "It is finished!", His works are perfectly completed and completely perfect.

Hence, we begin completed in Him (Col 2:10), which means that we are already made like Christ and we already have all that Christ has, when we are born again.

Therefore as you 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐝 Christ Jesus the Lord, so 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐦. - Col 2:6

All that is left for us is to walk out who Christ is, because who He is, we are (1 John 4:17). 
This is the Christian Walk ----- walking by faith in everything that He said we are.

If we have received Christ, we have received everything Christ is and has.

Christ is Healing and Health. So you and I do not need to try to get healing from God. We already have it. As He is, so are we in this world. By His stripes, we WERE healed (1 Peter 2:24).

The default mode of believers is "healed and health." That is our natural identity. 

In other words, if we simply do nothing, healing and health flow within us by default, just as peace flows within us by default.

If you cut your finger, it heals by default. You don't think about it. But if you keep pressing/touching/scratching it, it actually hinders the healing.

The Bible says that "as you have received Christ, so walk in Him." You can translate it like this, "as you have received healing/health, so walk in healing/health." You can insert alot of principles in this verse and it will still be true. For Christ is salvation/abundance/peace/health/love, etc.

To walk in something is simple and effortless. It's by grace through faith. If you are walking, you don't stop just because you see/feel/experience stuff.

What stops us from walking in healing & health (by default) is what we see, feel and experience in our mortal bodies. When we react to our bodies instead of responding to who we are and continuing with our walk, we stop the flow within us.

The Christian Walk is a walk because you have already received everything you need in Christ. But to experience the benefits of the Kingdom, it takes you to walk them out by faith.

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