Sunday 18 February 2024

Identified with Him

Identified with Him

The greatest mystery that God ever revealed to us is this... Christ IN you (Col 1:27).

The whole Christianity sums up in that.

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. - Col 3:3

The most powerful defence against the enemy is to reckon ourselves died. A dead person cannot react or respond to anything that tries to come against him.

The enemy can throw anything at you. But if you are dead, he doesn't get any response back. This frustrates him because all that he does is to try to get a reaction/response from you.

This is why Galatians 2:20 is the only way to live a victorious Christian life in every area. Whichever area we struggle is the area that we are still trying to be alive in the flesh. Only the flesh will struggle.

Only when we are dead will His life flow through us.

...your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Col 3:3b

The word 'hidden' in Greek means 'laid up with God in heaven.' Christ is now in heaven.

Hence, our lives are not just laid up with the Christ on earth, but the Christ in heaven. Your life is laid up with the glorified Christ.

I have heard from so many pulpits that preach that 'your life is hidden IN CHRIST; so you hide yourself IN Christ; let Him be seen.' The principle is true but it is not what this verse talks about.

The verse doesn't say 'your life is now hidden IN Christ.' It says, 'your life is now hidden WITH Christ in God.'

The word 'with' in Greek means 'to be closely identified together with'; 'to be associated with one, with its power or result.'

In other words, our lives are now identified together with the glorified Christ. What you see in the glorified Christ is what you should see in you (1 John 4:17). We are so united with Christ that Christ and us are inseparable.

When the enemy sees us, he should see Christ. He cannot differentiate if it's you or Christ because of the inseparable union. Unless you suddenly decide to come alive in the flesh. This is why Paul reminded us that we have died.

Because your life is so identified and associated with Christ, you get to walk in the same power and result He has.

The more we identify our lives with the glorified Christ, the more we walk in His power and result. This is the most powerful offense against the enemy.

By power and result, I am referring to ALL that Christ walks in. This does not just refer to healing and health, but also love and character. The mainstream likes to choose the latter. The charismatics like to choose the former. We cannot pick and choose because Christ walks in BOTH of them.

People ask, "How is this possible?"

This is why we need to keep going after our identity in Christ. We never stop because we haven't reached perfection until we walk exactly like Christ.

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