Friday 16 February 2024

Dominion Over Sickness

Dominion Over Sickness

The Word of God remains true even if someone experiences otherwise. The Word remains faithful even if someone is going through the exact opposite of the Word.

Once I preached on forgiveness, and someone who just went through a divorce came up to me after the session. She rebuked me for talking about forgiving your spouse. I listened to her rebuke, but I did not apologise. I make no apology for what is in the Word.

Hurt people hurt people. Because people are going through challenging and difficult stuff in their lives, they might not be ready to listen to the Word. They are already hurt. So they will react to what you say to protect themselves.

But we must not back down. The Word cuts but the Word also heals. There is no other way to heal completely. If we back down because someone is hurt, he/she will stay that way many years down the road.

Dan Mohler (senior) once said, "Sensuality will say, 'Oh... let's be nice to her. She is hurt.' Well, she's already hurting. Give her the truth! Yes, the truth might hurt, but she's already hurting. As long as our motivation is love, truth will eventually set her free."

For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. - Rom 6:14

We believe that sin indeed shall not have dominion over us. In other words, we have dominion over sin. We accept this truth, but might be experiencing otherwise. Yet we do not reject this truth.

Since death (every form including sicknesses and diseases) came through one man's sin and spread to all men (Rom 5:12) and life came through one Man's righteousness and spread to all believers (Rom 5:17), we know that if we have dominion over sin, we have dominion over death.

It is incomplete in theology to believe in dominion over sin if you don't believe in dominion over sicknesses and diseases. Because you can't deal with one without the other.

Sin and sicknesses go hand in hand as a package, just as righteousness and life go hand in hand as a package. Religion, however, has taught us to separate each of them, just as it has taught us to separate faith alone from water baptism.

The early disciples understood the truth way more simply. Keeping the Word simple is the best way to receive it's power in simplicity.

You don't reject the truth that you have dominion over sin, even if you are not walking in 100% victory over sin. Neither should you reject the truth that you have dominion over every sickness and disease, even if you don't experience it.

If physical death is the only way to be free from sin, then death is our saviour, not Jesus. On the same note, if physical death is the only way to be free from sickness, then death is our healer, not Jesus.

In 2024, I believe that we will see greater personal health and healing by simply receiving the truth of God found in His Word, without needing to seek after the laying on of hands from any minister, which is primarily meant for unbelievers.

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