Saturday 19 February 2022

Universal Atonement

Jesus either healed ALL or NONE.

If a few were not healed when they came to Him, then He could not take the stripes and go to the Cross for humanity (Matt 8:16-17; Isaiah 53). Because what He did on the Cross is Universal Atonement ----- He did for the whole of humanity. This is why He had to heal all who came to Him. He could not miss even one person or the Universal Atonement would break apart.

Many regard physical salvation lightly as compared to spiritual salvation. Nothing is further from the truth. It is just as important. It is the Gospel. You cannot preach redemption and the atonement of Christ without talking about bodily healing.

It is so serious that if you don't talk about it, you are not preaching the Gospel. Because what you are saying is that Christ did not fulfill Universal Atonement, and that He didn't go to the Cross for the whole of humanity.

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