Friday 18 February 2022

Divine Protection

Nothing Shall By Any Means Hurt You

The truth principle found in Psalm 91, Luke 10:19 and Mark 16:18 are meant for divine protection.

Psalm 91 is about divine protection from the enemy who is trying to attack you. It’s for defence.

Luke 10:19 is about divine protection from the enemy as you attack him. It’s for offence.

Mark 16:18 is about divine protection from the enemy as you advance the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Nowhere in the Word says that you can put God to the test (apart from the above-mentioned purposes) and expect divine protection. 

For example, if I know that cutting myself with a knife will result in bleeding, I cannot try to cut myself and expect divine protection. It doesn’t work that way. Yes, God can heal but there is no grace available for divine protection.

Similarly, if I know that something has poison, and I still choose to take it (not because I have no choice —— every single decision we make is still a choice; it’s whether we are willing to sacrifice some stuff for that choice), if it is not because I have to do it in order to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom, then there is likely no grace for divine protection, because you are putting God to the test.

There is a difference between being thrown into the lion’s den and intentionally walking into the lion’s den. There’s a difference between being placed into fire and playing with fire.

Healing is always available regardless of our foolishness. But divine protection is another matter altogether.

Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. You were bought (redeemed) at a price. Therefore, glorify God with your body.

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