Thursday 17 February 2022

Bodily Redemption

Many Christians think that our bodies are not yet redeemed by Christ. They always think of bodily redemption as something in the future when Christ returns.

They misunderstand redemption and glorification. Both are different.

Our bodies have been redeemed but not yet glorified until Christ returns.

There are three Greek words for ‘redeem’ in the Bible.

1) 1 Cor 6:20 says that our body and spirit have been redeemed (agorazo), or translated as ‘bought’ (in English) by Christ. This is one proof that our bodies have been redeemed.

2) Gal 3:13 says we have been redeemed (exagorazo) from the curse of the law (which includes sicknesses; cross reference to Deut 28:61). This is another proof that our bodies have been redeemed (from sicknesses).

3) Romans 8:23 is about the future redemption (apolutrosis) where we will get our glorified bodies and be completely released from the presence of any sickness. It becomes a reality that does not need any faith.

Currently, to be redeemed (point 1 & 2) from bodily sicknesses, it requires faith (Mark 11:23-24). Faith appropriates what Christ has redeemed us from. This is for NOW.

In future, we don’t need faith when Christ returns. We would walk in complete redemption as a constant reality.

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