Monday 7 February 2022

Holding Fast To Hope

When we look at SG, there isn't much hope. But when we look to Jesus, there is an Anchor of hope.

Our eyes must always be fixed on Jesus, the Author & Finisher of faith. Do not look to anyone else, not even the church. To have an unshakable faith, you need to place your trust in the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is steadfast, immovable, unchanging, unwavering and unshakeable.

For the past two years, what can be shaken has been shaken (and still is), and what is unshakeable has remained. While truth does offend, it is still truth. Jesus was never afraid of offending the religious.

What we have seen in SG about church institution is this... and I say it in general (not as a sweeping statement), our church will rise up and make a stand where legislation is not implemented, i.e. the LGBTQ and the marginalised. But when it is implemented, the voice is drowned for the sake of self-preservation.

If the LGBTQ is legalised in SG like in Europe, few will probably stand up to fight for truth.

We cannot really blame the pastors and leaders of our local churches, for they too, desire to have a peaceful life, with stable income, stable membership in the congregation. They don't wish to rock their own boats because they have families such as young children to take care of. They cannot afford to be penalised for the sake of the Gospel. This is not in our DNA in SG. We were never taught (since young) to pay the cost of discipleship. We were never taught to walk the talk while we talk the talk. And I'm saying this to all of us (myself included). We are generally not a bold and sacrificial generation of believers to begin with.

Put yourself in their shoes and see if you will really stand up for truth if you have more to lose than to gain. Instead of pointing at them, realise this: every leader is still an imperfect human. They are no different from any ordinary person. A ministry position does not change one's character and identity. Do not look to them as though they are 'high up' spiritually, or you will be disappointed. The Bible constantly tells us to put our trust in God, not mortal man.

Instead of questioning what they fail to do, the question we should ask ourselves individually is this: "Have I been standing up for truth? What is my part to play? Am I bold and courageous to rise up in such times?"

Yes, as an individual, you cannot impact much. But you can impact a few. God is not asking you to look at what an institution can do. He is looking at your own stewardship and responsibility. At the end of the day, you stand before Him one on one to answer for your words and deeds. The church is not going to answer for you.

In these past two years, I have learnt some lessons from non-believers and a Catholic lady who is not afraid of standing up for truth, at the expense of losing everything. I saw unity that isn't just a talk or a sermon on the pulpit or a prayer conference in the public, but one that is lived out in reality.

We have hidden our light under the bushel, instead of the lamp stand. We have not represented Christ accurately to the world who is crying for help.

Perhaps it's because we have not really looked to Christ for faith, hope and love. And it's time to awake to Righteousness. For Christ in us is the Hope of glory.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. - Heb 10:23

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