Friday 18 February 2022

Martyrdom vs Ignorance

Martyrdom vs Ignorance

I have come across people who said that 'I'll trust God and take poison. Anyway, if I die, I go to heaven.'

That is an irresponsible statement filled with ignorance. Think about the following:

'I'll trust God and crucify myself on the Cross on Good Friday to re-enact what He went through. If I die, I go to heaven anyway.'

'I'll trust God and jump from the roof. If I die, I go to heaven anyway.'

There is a difference between martyrdom and ignorance. We cannot do the latter and think that we are fulfilling the former.

We are called to fulfill our assignment on earth. That's stewardship and responsibility as Kingdom people. Christianity is not about going to heaven. It's about living heaven on earth. It is in the NOW. 

The Great Escape teaches that you can go to heaven after you die. But the Great Commission teaches that you preach the Gospel to all creations on earth.

The former finds excuses to prevent the need to walk a difficult (or even persecuted) path. The latter requires patient endurance because of the narrow path.

Trusting God is not about ignorance. People perish because of a lack of knowledge. Trusting God is about knowing who He is and thus, who we are in Him.

Our bodies are meant to honour and glorify Him (1 Cor 6:20). We present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God (Rom 12:1). You cannot glorify Him and fulfill your assignment with a dying body. This is why when Jesus healed the sick bodies, everybody glorified God.

Our bodies are purchased possession. He is Lord over our bodies. So we don’t have the rights under Lordship to choose that we just wanna take the easy way out, or die and go to heaven.

We have been taught religion that is void of power. We 'spiritualise' our decision that is not rooted in the Word. Because it is easier to reason our way out of hard-pressed situations, than to follow the Word and walk through the valley of the shadow of death.

Some poisons affect health in an adverse way. Healing is available for that. This is just a surface issue.

But some poisons are more than just health. It is a deeper issue that many don't see it. They are means to something deeper... to control and to get you buy into a system where you will eventually sacrifice the Kingdom in order to survive/thrive in that system. 

What appears as a desire will give birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it leads to death (James 1:15).

If you want to be martyred, be martyred because you are preaching the Gospel, not because of self-inflicted ignorance.

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