Sunday 5 December 2021

Nailing It For Healing

Nailing It For Healing

My son and I were doing our routine housework cleaning all the windows at home. I was wiping halfway when I accidentally injured my ring finger.

It was painful. I tried to continue wiping but each time when I moved it, it was painful.

So I raised my voice at the pain and commanded it to get out. Then I said, “By Your stripes, I am healed!”

Without feeling any difference, I intentionally put more force on the finger and wiped even harder. Man, it was even more painful!

But I am a very intense person when it comes to healing. So I continued saying, “By Your stripes, I’m already healed.” And I continued to wipe harder with that finger, biting my teeth as I experienced the pain.

Then all of a sudden, the pain disappeared completely. Yay God!

This is not the first time that I did this and experienced instant healing. I had injured my shoulder before. After commanding the pain to go, I would immediately do push-ups to go against the pain intentionally.

This might sound crazy to some, but I know I am not alone in this. This muscle boy Michael also does the same approach.

Because Faith -> Fact -> Feeling. When you act on your faith because you believe that you are healed, the manifestation will come.

When the Word is more real to you than your feelings and sight, the Word will become reality to you.

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