Friday 24 December 2021

Body As A Reasonable Act Of Worship Part 2

Body As A Reasonable Act Of Worship Part 2

In the previous part, we talked about how we can present our bodies holy to God, which includes walking in divine health as a reasonable (divine reasoning through faith) act of worship.

The question is "how can we walk in that?"

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2

We are not trying to find out the will of God. We are called to PROVE the will of God ----- it is good, acceptable and perfect. The will of God is found in the Word of God.

The verse in Romans 12:2 begins with 'And' as the conjunction, which means that the previous verse is vital. Once we realise that the Perfect Sacrifice (Gal 2:20) lives in us, we will know how NOT to conform to this world, because we are to conform to the image of Christ.

The word 'conform' is to 'identify with; to have an outward form by following the same pattern/model/mold.' The word uses passive reflexively, which demonstrates the passive nature of the action. Conforming to the world is not just when you are actively doing something to follow them. By saying and doing nothing, your mind is already conformed to their thinking.

There is no middle ground or passivity when it comes to mind renewal. Today, many are conforming to the world, without realising it. This is the key reason why we are not presenting our bodies in divine health.

The word 'transform' is 'to change into another form in keeping with inner reality.' It's the same word used for Jesus' body that was transfigured at Mt Transfiguration. Jesus' mind was in full agreement with heaven such that His body was glorious and in divine health. The inner reality lies in Romans 12:1, Gal 2:20. Once we know that we are created in the image of Christ, that identity must be where we live from.

To think, speak and live from that place is mind renewal. We cannot agree with the world and think that we can still get our mind renewed. The mind of Christ must think like the mind of Christ, in the context of this FB post, divine health. To think otherwise is NOT the mind of Christ.

If mind renewal precedes proving the will of God (that which is already shown in the Word), then, even if your body hasn't lined up with the Word in divine health, you must continue to think, speak and live from the mind of Christ. Your symptoms do not prove the Word. Your feelings do not prove the Word.

Mind renewal doesn't take place only after your symptoms are gone. It starts where you are. If we can think, speak and live from the mind of Christ regardless of our bodily conditions, our bodies will eventually line up with the Word.

The will of God is to be proved by mind renewal. An un-renewed mind cannot prove the will of God. This is why God's will isn't always done (Matt 6:10).

Once we have learnt to receive healing by mind renewal, we will know how to walk in health by the same token. The same truth that is applicable to one is applicable to all. This is the beauty of the Word, where there is no partiality or special anointed men of God.

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