Wednesday 1 December 2021

Healing Of The Body Is Simple

Healing Of The Body Is Simple

Healing of the body is as simple as healing of the soul. Since it is through hearing and believing in the Gospel that we receive salvation of our spirit, then by the same token of hearing and believing of the Gospel, we receive salvation of our body.

The problem lies with sight and feeling. When it comes to the salvation of the spirit, we cannot see nor feel. It is simply by faith. After we commit ourselves to God for salvation of our spirit, we do not wake up every day questioning, "God, am I saved? God, am I really saved?"

Why? Because we cannot see or feel it. When we cannot see or feel it, it becomes so simple and easy. We just trust Him. Period.

When it comes to the salvation of our body aka healing, there are usually sight and feeling involved. These complicate the issue. The way to appropriate healing is the SAME way to appropriate salvation of our spirit. It is simply by faith. But the hindrance lies with what we see and feel ----- the symptoms.

If we based the salvation of our spirit by faith (not sight nor feeling), then we must base the healing of our body by faith (not sight nor feeling aka symptoms).

In other words, the symptoms (whether there is improvement or not) are no longer the basis of your healing. You simply trust Him. Period. For just as Christ is the basis of your salvation (spirit), He is the basis of your healing (body).

When we are sure of our healing (body) just as we are sure of our salvation (spirit), we enter into that promise experientially.

It is simple, but not easy. So we have to cast away sight and feeling aka symptoms and keep looking unto Him.

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