Monday 28 December 2020

Three Phases of 40 Years

Three Phases of 40 Years

A generation generally refers to 40 years in the Bible (Num 32:13). To see our grandchildren's generation, it will be the third generation.

If we break down our lives into three generations of 40 years:

First 40 years will be the time of exploration:
- We explore and venture into all that we desire. We take risks to step into new things and keep testing variants. We want to give the youth years to discover our assignment on earth.

Second 40 years will be the time of consolidation:
- We narrow down and prioritise our lives to fulfill our assignment. We put away every unnecessary and seemingly good stuff so that we can focus on the God-stuff. We continue to take risks (since faith is spelt 'risk') but focused-risks in targeted areas. We run with the goal of our heavenly call and no longer swerve to the left or the right.

Third 40 years will be the time of impartation:
- We teach our children's children to go after God and His Kingdom. We impart whatever principles, lessons and experiences that we have learnt to them. We continue to take risks to build deeper into our assignment and complete it (there is no retirement and "in the sweet by and by" in the Kingdom by the way). Finally, we bless our children and our children's children before we commit our spirit to the Lord.

Just something that came to my mind as I was in the Theta brainwave frequency before hitting the sack.

Disclaimer: I'm not saying that this is the fixed way it should be but something to ponder about as I'm approaching the second phase.

P.S: Oh yes, it shouldn't be surprising to live till 120.

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