Friday 4 December 2020

Complete In Christ

You have been made complete in Christ. - Col 2:10

The word ‘complete’ also means ‘made full’ and ‘filled’. It’s root word comes from ‘pletho’, meaning ‘full in quantity’, which is also used on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit filled (pletho) the disciples.

There is no “higher level” you can attain in Christ or “more anointing” you can hunger after. You have been made complete in Christ.

Christianity begins complete because Christ completed His works on the Cross. If you don’t start, continue and live from where Christ had finished, you are finished.

The Kingdom is upside down from the world (and often the church). If you think there is a higher level of attainment, you have not been crucified with Christ. That’s not humility. That’s actually pride, for you think that you can go higher and others are therefore, “lower” than you.

This immobilises believers because they think that they always need “more” in order to serve Him and do His works.

The day you see yourself complete in Christ is the day you cease to strive for identity and recognition. It will be the day you step out in faith to do what He wants you to do.

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