Saturday 26 December 2020

The Power Of The Mind Part 2

Came back from a swim and looked into the mirror. Soon... I'll be 40. The reality of Beholding is as real as Becoming. Your age does not have to determine your life, energy and health.

And what I am going to share is a living testimony of the power of your mind that God has created.

People often say, “Mind over body.” This is actually supposed to be literal. Your mind has the power to control every part of your body, including cells (as mentioned in Part 1).

People put in a lot of efforts in dieting and exercising. I have nothing against that. It is, in fact, good, because that is self-discipline. But there is a problem with that. It can become a form of addiction. Stop your diet or exercise regime for one week and see how you respond. If you get uncomfortable, you are likely addicted to it. In other words, your trust is not in Jesus but your ability to exercise and follow a diet. I used to go to the gym regularly in the past. So I understood about this form of addiction. The last I went was in 2007, about more than 13 years ago, until I was devastated when I was diagnosed with an incurable autoimmune disease (now healed by God). I learnt never ever to trust in diet and exercise again.

Disclaimer: I’m not saying that observing diet and exercise is no good. It’s good if you are free from being addicted to it. It’s good if you do not over rely on them. You will know if you have become dependent if you have “withdrawal” symptoms/feelings when you stop for a while.

I’m sharing something more superior than observing diet and exercise. The former only reaches the “body” realm. But the mind is more superior than the body, because the mind is in the “soul” realm. If we allow the Spirit to function correctly, He will move through the soul (mind) before touching the body.

By meditating and beholding who Jesus is, your mind has the power to control your body cells (including weight loss and muscle development). I’m not kidding. That’s why I have to put the photo as a proof. People who didn’t meet me for some time kept thinking that I must have gone to the gym to beef up. They refused to believe that I merely went for swimming.

Here are the keys to what I did to produce the outcome:

Gym: Last I went was 2007. More than 13 years ago.

Weight-lifting: By no means. I’m short enough.

Jogging: Last I went was 2018.

Cross-fit: Zero time. Never ever pay to be tortured, since the Cross already paid for you to be free from torture. 

Diet: Three normal meals per day as a normal person does. Never observe any diet.

Coffee: Twice a day

Swim: The only exercise I do is swimming. Three times a week, 10 laps per time. Period.

Special diet: Potato chips often around mid-night. Frequency: Regularly.

Health supplements: Word of God. Not just once a day. But regularly throughout the day.

I know this might be unbelievable to some, especially for those who really put in a lot of efforts for diet & exercise, of whom I honour them for the discipline, which is important.

But this is meant to point to the possibility of God’s kingdom reality for your physical body through the power of your mind in Christ. Not many people preach about this, but the Kingdom is meant to flow through our spirit, soul and body. Life and health are imparted through the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus.

If the kingdom of God can flow through our spirit to destroy sickness in our body, the kingdom of God can also flow to sustain strength, life and power in our body.

I’m pretty radical when it comes to certain beliefs in Christ. In fact, many believers think I’m crazy when I share the things that I believe in. But I rather believe God to the extreme, than to look back and have a faith that sits on the fence.

This post is pushing the limit to challenge us to see beyond what is humanly possible so that we can trust Him for the impossible. There are already lots of supernatural weight-loss miracles, so why can’t we believe in supernatural health and body? Christ IN you includes spirit, soul and BODY. Jesus!

Disclaimer: I’m not asking you to drop what you are doing in your diet and exercise, nor to eat junk, but challenging you to behold the Word, meditate and use the power of the God-given mind to produce cells in your body.

P.S: Jesus must be really buff on earth as a carpenter. No joke. He's not some limp-wristed pantywaist.

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