Saturday 12 December 2020

Divine Intelligence

Divine Intelligence

Since Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in machines to think like humans and mimic our actions, Human Intelligence is of a higher level, because we created AI.

But there is still a more supreme level than Human Intelligence. That is Divine Intelligence. The Corinthian church, who was carnally-minded, immature and prideful, actually moved in gift of word of wisdom (the Greek word 'sophia' means Divine Intelligence).

They operated in such wisdom from time to time because of the gift. However, we are not meant to move from gift to gift ----- that is meant for infants aka carnally-minded believers. We are meant to move in identity according to the image of Christ who walked in fullness of God's wisdom and power.

Jesus walked in God's fullness so that the operation of Divine Intelligence is always constant and consistent. Since Jesus now lives in us, Divine Intelligence is now in us (1 Cor 1:24, 30). For we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).

Our mind in Christ is superior to Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. Science (cf. Dr Caroline Leaf) has discovered that our mind has the ability to literally produce good cells (at our will) and change our bodies, actions and lives.

This is why the Bible teaches that we are to 'meditate on the Word', 'set our mind on things above', 'be renewed in the spirit of our mind', etc.

We can walk in such Divine Intelligence that encompasses all that Christ walked in on earth and beyond (John 14:12). That includes divine health, divine wealth (not necessarily money), and foretelling, etc.

I would like to say that New Age spirituality and some other powers (which I have personally witnessed and confronted) are counterfeit, because the enemy wants to lure people to them. 

However, just because there is a counterfeit does not mean that we should be fearful of walking in the Original Divine Intelligence. For if you don't do so, you are walking less than you were created to be; you are not giving Christ the full glory of what He sacrificed for on the Cross; and you are giving the enemy the opportunity to keep deceiving others because you fail to rise up and walk in the mind of Christ.

P.S: I don't subscribe to the prosperity gospel.

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