Monday 7 December 2020

Breaking The Religious Mind

A number of people asked, "How do I know which job God wants me to take?"

This question has its root founded on the religious mind, which has been widely taught in many Christian circles. As a result, believers genuinely struggle to find out God's will concerning the job they should go for. They are waiting for God to speak to them and lead them to a particular job, or rather, the 'so called' God's best for them.

Well, you will realise that Jesus and Paul didn't talk about how you should wait upon God to get a job. Because that's not the main priority in the Kingdom. I know this is going against the normal flow of 'Spirit-led' decision. But the term 'Spirit-led' has been so spiritualised that we misunderstood it.

The main priority of a believer is to fulfill the Great Commission. In other words, you can choose any job if it supports the main work. Otherwise, if the job prevents you from fulfilling the Great Commission, quit that job because it's not God.

When we delight ourselves in Him, He puts His desires in us, since we are one with Him (John 15:5; Ps 37:4; 1 Cor 6:17). For it is God who works in us both to will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13).

We are still thinking of religion where God is separated from us. Christianity doesn't have a God who is far away from us. In fact, He lives in and through us (Acts 17:28; Gal 2:20).

My son often likes to ask me, "Papa, what should I do?" And I'll reply, "What do you like to do?" When he shares his desires and passion, I'll say, "Do it!"

If you delight yourself in God, and share your desires and passion with Him, He will say, "Do it!" 

Your desires and passion will direct you to choose a job. God usually doesn't say, "This is the job for you. You can't do any other job." No. He is your FATHER! He empowers you to CHOOSE the job because He lives in and through you.

We are so afraid to take a step of faith and make the decision that we often cripple ourselves into thinking, "If God doesn't say anything, I don't do anything." That's not sonship. That's not the New Covenant. That's a slave's mentality.

When I was going to leave my previous salaried job, a Pastor-friend said to me, “Are you sure? Now you have a family, you know? You cannot just make a decision like that.” I was pretty surprised to hear that coming from a faith-filled person.

We are more concerned with making a mistake than stretching in faith because we have a wrong view of God where He appears to be smaller than who He says He is in Romans 8:28.

P.S: There is no God's best for getting a spouse either. Sorry to burst your spiritual, holy & religious bubble.

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