Sunday 25 August 2019

Eating Healthy??

Eating healthy food & diet is good. But it won’t keep you healthy. Sickness is not in the natural. If it is, you are good with healthy diet.

Sickness is unnatural. It is spiritual. It was due to the Fall of creation where sin came in. If we don’t see this, we will continue to go after the latest trendy diet and those dietitians and nutritionists continue to earn big bucks without knowing that created food has also fallen.

How do you know that the organic food is really organic just because it’s written as ‘organic’? Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. The standards are known to VARY worldwide. How do you know that the standards are 100% pure organic? What about the people and the environment in which these organic food are produced? They have all fallen and are not perfect.

You cannot eat your way to health. You can only believe the Way for health. If our trust in not in the perfect and complete works of Christ on the Cross, we will be in trouble.

His ‘stripe’ is the reason for healing. And His blood is the reason for divine health.

Redemption is the Way for health.

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