Sunday 11 August 2019

Confronting Sickness Relentlessly

Recently, God has been speaking to me to confront sickness more aggressively than before, like a bull that is relentless.

On Wednesday, I received a call from the childcare that J was running a high fever. I dropped what I was doing and went straight to pick him home. When he saw me, he cried, because he wanted to go to Legoland on the following day. We had promised to bring him there. He knew that if he were sick, he would not be able to go.

I comforted him and said, "Don't worry. Jesus will heal you."

I took his temperature when we arrived home. It was 39.1 deg C. A thought immediately came into my mind, "If wifey were here, she would give him paracetamol. If I love wifey, I should do the same, because she would be concerned." 

Another thought surfaced, "This is my son. I should not take any risk. I can take the risk for my own life, but not his. He's my precious boy." Well, the thoughts always sounded like yours. 

At this point, I remembered my history with God. In the past one year plus, I had seen a lot of breakthroughs ministering to my own son ----- especially for fever and flu.

Hence, I ministered to him and I decided not to give him any medication for the high fever.

Disclaimer: Please don't take this as a method. I'm not discouraging anyone from taking medication. Don't risk your child's life unnecessarily. I have my own journey before I came to this place of conviction. It has been pretty challenging to walk this whole thing out, when few share the same belief. Some may say that I'm crazy. You can say that. I'm crazily zealous for divine healing, because I went through the experience caused by an incurable disease.

Wifey texted me and asked about his temperature. I just replied that I would take care of him and monitor his temperature.

Within a couple of minutes, it dropped to 38.2. In less than an hour, it dropped to 37.0 (and this falls within normal temperature for a young child).

On the next day, we went for our getaway as he was completely healed. And by the grace of God, he played happily at Legoland. My wife kept saying, "This is really a miracle." She said, "Finally, you are seeing breakthroughs for your son in this past year."

What's the point of this sharing? There is a place where we don't give up when we don't see the results. It is either the enemy wears us out, or we wear him out. I'm choosing the latter. I'm going to go after divine healing more than ever before. We need to walk out what we believe, not just say what we believe.

I'm still not seeing consistent breakthroughs for healing for my wife. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it doesn't. And I'm not giving up. Let's not give up.

I want to see divine healing and health for our own family, as easy (and same) as for strangers and people in the streets/meetings. There should NOT be any difference. If John G Lake could see such consistent results for his own family, so can we in our generation. It doesn’t make sense to win the whole world but lose at the home ground.

Let's 'bull' our way through, because it will bless the lives of many. In John G Lake's time, he made Spokane the healthiest city. In our time, let's make Singapore the healthiest city because we stand for divine healing with no apology and no compromise. Jesus!

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