Monday 26 August 2019

Anchored In The Word

If we are anchored in the Word, we will remain steadfast and immovable, regardless of every wave of doctrines that come our way.

If we are anchored in the Word, we will be able to discern whether a speaker is speaking from his experience or from the Word of truth. It is impossible to agree with every popular speaker just because they have a good reputation. More often than not, what they teach sometimes contradicts each other, yet we do not perceive, because we are busy chasing after men of God, sermons, conferences, books, teachings, etc instead of going after the Word ----- the God of men.

It's time to get 'first-hand' communion with Him from the Word, instead of second-hand information from speakers. Don't forget that they too, had to go for 'first-hand communion'. You are not living in the Old Covenant where you need a prophet to speak God's Word to you. You are living in the New where no medium is needed. Many teach the priesthood of Christ but what they do disempowers believers from being priests.

Stop eating food that has been digested and spat out from someone's mouth. Start eating fresh food and digest it on your own.

Perhaps we need to remove the pulpit ministry temporarily in Singapore. We have too much rojak going on. And not many give themselves to study the Word with the Holy Spirit.

Maybe it's time to return to what Francis Chan is doing. When the Word is not taught from a top-down leadership, it opens up a whole dimension for healthy discussion and the top leadership is subjected to scrutiny and he has to be submitted to the authority of the Word instead of being the pope in his ministry.

This is why until today, we don't see the fruit that Smith Wigglesworth and John G Lake had. They fed on the Word directly.

Disclaimer: There is a place for teachers of the Word. But more importantly, we need to be taught by the Spirit of Truth, who teaches us all things.

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