Wednesday 21 August 2019

Credit & Responsibility

Credit & Responsibility

Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” - Luke 10:17

The disciples had success in healing the sick and casting out demons. They were overjoyed. Then Jesus replied to them.

Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to YOU, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” - Luke 10:20 (emphasis added)

Jesus didn't say, "Hey, it's not about you. It's about Me. You know? It's Me! IT'S ME okay! Apart from ME, you can do nothing." 

Well, He's not into the credit game like many people do. People with false humility will often say, "It's not me. It's Jesus." (But they share the testimonies like it's them though)

I remember hearing a blunt preacher ever said to someone with false humility, "Yes. It's not you. You are just a piece of shit."

The truth is.... the credit is indeed with the disciples ("the spirits are subject to YOU") because of Christ's empowerment. In the New Covenant, we are one with Him. You can't separate the two.

Jesus didn't correct His disciples about whatever credit or that they were overjoyed at the miracles done through them. Because there is nothing wrong to rejoice. It is only wrong if you act humble, which is hypocrisy.

Yet Jesus directed their focus to this, "Rejoice because your names are written in heaven." In other words, "Rejoice because you are a son; you are a daughter. Rejoice in your identity."

It is because of sonship and identity that the miraculous flows. "These signs follow those who believe..." 

Pursuing the miraculous will result in pride. On the other hand, knowing your identity will put you in the right perspective before the Father. And you rejoice because you are a son and the kingdom is in you, where signs and wonders are the reality of your identity and the world you live in.

So when you see a miracle working through you, you rejoice, "Father, I thank You that I am Your son. What a privilege to manifest Your kingdom. You are in me and I in You. Thank You for loving me and making me Your son." 

I promise you. This will keep you in the healthiest place.


The disciples failed to cast out a demon and they couldn't heal a boy. So they asked Jesus.

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” - Matthew 17:20

Jesus didn't answer, "Hey, it's not about you. It's about Me. You know? It's Me! IT'S ME okay!"

This is the time when most people will be quick to run away from responsibility.

"I don't know."
"It's not my job to heal. My job is to pray."
"It's not God's time yet." (Probably the most spiritual answer)

Jesus said, "Because of YOUR unbelief." (Matthew 17:20 emphasis added)

If it wasn’t God's time, Jesus would be moving against the Father by setting the boy free (Matt 17:18). We have become so religious that we stop looking to the Word of truth.

It's time to go deeper into the Word, than to listen to every kind of teaching from the place of experiences.

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