Saturday 28 July 2018

Redeeming for The Kingdom - New Age Outreach

During one of my night classes, I noticed that there are many pubs, New Age & tattoo shops around this area. And I thought, “Why not? This is where the kingdom wants to manifest.”

If the New Age is attracting people because they are seeking for an answer, we should be even more attractive because we hold the Answer to all things.

I went to one of the New Age shops and bought a deck of cards. Some good meaning believers warned me about the danger of these cards. But the Word says that ‘Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.’ If apostle Paul could use relevant things to direct people to the true Source, we can use what is relevant to the New Age to direct them to the true Source. The cards themselves are neutral. It is not about WHAT we use. It is about HOW we use. We come in the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit who guides. He is the Holy Spirit.

We did a briefing to educate the believers before we began. Fear will keep us from knowing the truth. Yet it is only when you know the truth that you will be set free. The tools are not important. What’s important is our reliance on the Holy Spirit. The booth itself attracted many to come.

Towards the end, we saw everyone who joined this outreach beginning to minister to the people who came. Most of the believers did it for the first time. Because when they realise that a normal believer can do it, so can they. It’s the same Holy Spirit. And that’s the purpose of this outreach - people getting empowered to do what a normal believer can do.

A lady saw what we were doing. She saw people getting touched and healed. I looked at her and said, “Come over.” She said, “I’m so tempted to come.” We said, “Come. It’s free.”

She sat down and chose this card. We asked, “You have a problem with your shoulder. Towards the left.”

She said, “How the f**k did you know? Oops sorry for using that word.”

We ministered healing. The sword lighted up. So we said, “You portray yourself as such a strong woman. You carry your words with strength and people around you see you as someone independent, with strong character. You are seen as a capable woman. But you are not. It was relationship with your father as a child that made you become who you are not. You don’t hold a sword. You have a very tender and compassionate heart that you refuse to portray to others. But there is a restoration coming to your heart, so that you can be who you really are.”

She exclaimed, “All that you said is true. It is so so true!”

We saw a wedding ring in a vision and we said, “And you were engaged but it broke off. So the marriage didn’t come to pass.”

She went, “Oh my gosh! Yes.”

We said, “Go slow in the new relationship.” She said, “Oh yes I’m just seeing someone lately and I’m still figuring out if he is the one.”

We said, “There is a Perfect Man who is pursuing you. And His name is Jesus.”

We ministered healing to her heart and shared Christ with her. Apparently she is also a believer.

If Christians are going for spiritual reading, it shows something —- they are not getting their answer from the God they know and they are seeking for an answer from any god that they do not know.

If we don’t redeem this for the Kingdom, it is not just normal people going after such spirituality. Even Christians are going after it.

Many people are hungry. We just need to point them to the One who will feed them. 

By the way, this is not New Age or occult. They are simply counterfeits. Our Source is Jesus. We are just using what is relevant for redemption. Jesus!

P.S: We don’t use any of the instruction or the guide. It’s to be discarded.

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