Monday 30 July 2018

New Age Outreach Part 2 - Right Words

Another lady came to the booth. She sat down and chose a blessing card. Our eyes are drawn to “right words” in the card.

We asked, “Do you have a stomach issue that keeps recurring?” At first, she denied. Then she said, “Yes, I have.” So we ministered healing.

Then we said, “You are very transparent in your words, because that is who you are made to be. But people around you don’t understand that. Even your close friends do not appreciate who you are. As a result, you have learnt to shut down that part of you. Now you always wonder what you should say before you even say it, for fear of how others think about you. Your real self is to speak from your heart. But now you don’t.” Her eyes began to be teary.

We said, “In fact, that’s how your past two relationships ended. Because the two guys didn’t value you and didn’t appreciate your frankness. That affected you so much that you are no longer the joyous person you used to be. But God is going to restore that now.” She was going to cry and she said, “I only had two relationships... and they didn’t let me be who I am.” We shared Christ with her and her value in Him. Due to the complexity of her faith, she tried to explain off how we knew the details in her life, because she was shaken in her own faith.

But we are not there to debate truth. We are there to present truth. The seed is sown and that’s more important than pushing someone to say a salvation prayer. Because we are not chasing after numbers. We are going after real salvation. People need to encounter truth and be shaken in their faith so that they will come to the Truth. It is believing in Christ that saves them, not saying a prayer. There is no salvation prayer in the Bible by the way. Fruit that lasts is real fruit. 

When the person walks away, the Holy Spirit will continue the work. And she will realise that she just had a face to face encounter with God. Jesus! #xperiential #newageoutreach

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