Wednesday 11 July 2018

Every Believer Should Watch Because You Can DO It

Every Believer Should Watch Because You Can DO It

When I first watched "Fingers of God" in 2008 (which I accidentally or God-incidentally found in the internet and thus imported the VCD), I knew deep inside that every believer can do this. It sparked something in my heart. Then in 2009, I saw Todd White's Youtube video on healing and I said to myself, "If he can do it, so can I, because we have the same Holy Spirit."

Fingers of God (2007 by Darren Wilson) is probably the first movie that reveals how every single believer can walk in power and love, because Christ IN you is the Hope of glory. I encourage you to watch it.

There are many videos nowadays along the same theme. Check out the following:
- Furious Love (2010 by Darren Wilson)
- Fathers of Light (2012 by Darren Wilson)
- Holy Ghost (2014 by Darren Wilson)
- Holy Ghost: Reborn (2015 by Darren Wilson)
- The Last Reformation: The Beginning (2016 by TLR)
- Lifestyle Christianity (2017 by Todd White)
- Christ In You (2017 by Siloam)
- The Last Reformation: The Life (2018 by TLR)

Watch how Jason in the Fingers of God gave a whole list of word of knowledge (better than medical doctors) and healing in the streets. And know that you too, can do it.

Stay tuned for School of Power and Love in December 2018. For many of you will be activated to know who you really are in Christ. #powerandlove2018 #identity

P.S: In fact, you can be activated right now. Check out the movies.

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