Sunday 8 July 2018



In the past, I was taught that if I want to see a change in culture, what I preach on the pulpit is the key.

But Jesus taught us that if we want to see a change in culture, how we LIVE our lives IN the community is the KEY. Not the pulpit.

The Great Commission is “to make disciples of all nations... teaching them to OBSERVE all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Some translations say “teaching them to obey all things...” That is not accurate. It’s easy to teach people to obey. But it’s different to teach people to observe.

The word “observe” in Greek and in context is “to observe”. How can people observe the things that were taught by Jesus?

Only when we LIVE those things out, so that they can observe our lives. Not when we preach on pulpit. 

That’s true discipleship.

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