Tuesday 10 July 2018

Jesus Never Did A Conference

“Jesus never did a conference.”

My wife said that. And I know God is speaking powerfully through her.

We talked about stuff, equipping and multiplication. She simply shared what Jesus did in the Gospel —— which is what I believed in. She said, “Don’t come out from an institution to start another organisation. There is no difference if you try to do that. Just do what you are already doing and don’t be swayed. If you impact two lives and those two lives impact another two lives each, and keep on keeping on, that will be real multiplication. Because it’s about real lifestyle change.”

It really resonated with my heart. So good! Well, God is speaking (often) through our spouse. And tonight, at this hour, He is rebuking... I mean... reminding me and confirming what I believe through my wife. What a great helper God has given to me. Yay Jesus!

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