Monday 30 July 2018

New Age Outreach Part 2 - Right Words

Another lady came to the booth. She sat down and chose a blessing card. Our eyes are drawn to “right words” in the card.

We asked, “Do you have a stomach issue that keeps recurring?” At first, she denied. Then she said, “Yes, I have.” So we ministered healing.

Then we said, “You are very transparent in your words, because that is who you are made to be. But people around you don’t understand that. Even your close friends do not appreciate who you are. As a result, you have learnt to shut down that part of you. Now you always wonder what you should say before you even say it, for fear of how others think about you. Your real self is to speak from your heart. But now you don’t.” Her eyes began to be teary.

We said, “In fact, that’s how your past two relationships ended. Because the two guys didn’t value you and didn’t appreciate your frankness. That affected you so much that you are no longer the joyous person you used to be. But God is going to restore that now.” She was going to cry and she said, “I only had two relationships... and they didn’t let me be who I am.” We shared Christ with her and her value in Him. Due to the complexity of her faith, she tried to explain off how we knew the details in her life, because she was shaken in her own faith.

But we are not there to debate truth. We are there to present truth. The seed is sown and that’s more important than pushing someone to say a salvation prayer. Because we are not chasing after numbers. We are going after real salvation. People need to encounter truth and be shaken in their faith so that they will come to the Truth. It is believing in Christ that saves them, not saying a prayer. There is no salvation prayer in the Bible by the way. Fruit that lasts is real fruit. 

When the person walks away, the Holy Spirit will continue the work. And she will realise that she just had a face to face encounter with God. Jesus! #xperiential #newageoutreach

Saturday 28 July 2018

Redeeming for The Kingdom - New Age Outreach

During one of my night classes, I noticed that there are many pubs, New Age & tattoo shops around this area. And I thought, “Why not? This is where the kingdom wants to manifest.”

If the New Age is attracting people because they are seeking for an answer, we should be even more attractive because we hold the Answer to all things.

I went to one of the New Age shops and bought a deck of cards. Some good meaning believers warned me about the danger of these cards. But the Word says that ‘Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.’ If apostle Paul could use relevant things to direct people to the true Source, we can use what is relevant to the New Age to direct them to the true Source. The cards themselves are neutral. It is not about WHAT we use. It is about HOW we use. We come in the Spirit of Truth and the Spirit who guides. He is the Holy Spirit.

We did a briefing to educate the believers before we began. Fear will keep us from knowing the truth. Yet it is only when you know the truth that you will be set free. The tools are not important. What’s important is our reliance on the Holy Spirit. The booth itself attracted many to come.

Towards the end, we saw everyone who joined this outreach beginning to minister to the people who came. Most of the believers did it for the first time. Because when they realise that a normal believer can do it, so can they. It’s the same Holy Spirit. And that’s the purpose of this outreach - people getting empowered to do what a normal believer can do.

A lady saw what we were doing. She saw people getting touched and healed. I looked at her and said, “Come over.” She said, “I’m so tempted to come.” We said, “Come. It’s free.”

She sat down and chose this card. We asked, “You have a problem with your shoulder. Towards the left.”

She said, “How the f**k did you know? Oops sorry for using that word.”

We ministered healing. The sword lighted up. So we said, “You portray yourself as such a strong woman. You carry your words with strength and people around you see you as someone independent, with strong character. You are seen as a capable woman. But you are not. It was relationship with your father as a child that made you become who you are not. You don’t hold a sword. You have a very tender and compassionate heart that you refuse to portray to others. But there is a restoration coming to your heart, so that you can be who you really are.”

She exclaimed, “All that you said is true. It is so so true!”

We saw a wedding ring in a vision and we said, “And you were engaged but it broke off. So the marriage didn’t come to pass.”

She went, “Oh my gosh! Yes.”

We said, “Go slow in the new relationship.” She said, “Oh yes I’m just seeing someone lately and I’m still figuring out if he is the one.”

We said, “There is a Perfect Man who is pursuing you. And His name is Jesus.”

We ministered healing to her heart and shared Christ with her. Apparently she is also a believer.

If Christians are going for spiritual reading, it shows something —- they are not getting their answer from the God they know and they are seeking for an answer from any god that they do not know.

If we don’t redeem this for the Kingdom, it is not just normal people going after such spirituality. Even Christians are going after it.

Many people are hungry. We just need to point them to the One who will feed them. 

By the way, this is not New Age or occult. They are simply counterfeits. Our Source is Jesus. We are just using what is relevant for redemption. Jesus!

P.S: We don’t use any of the instruction or the guide. It’s to be discarded.

Sunday 22 July 2018

Phone Healing (Voice Healing)

Did a phone healing with someone whose BP was high. The BP normalised after that. Jesus!

There is no limit to how God heals. If the New Age Reiki healing can send the spirit guide to release healing from a far distance, the Holy Spirit (Who is Omnipresent) can release healing anywhere and anytime.

If Jesus were to live in our generation, He would probably minister healing to multitudes through various media & telecom platforms.

Thursday 12 July 2018

The Way of Love

The Way of Love

If faith works through Love, it means that for us to walk in the consistency of what Christ had in the Gospel (every single one was healed), we need to grow in Love.

Believing can see some results of healing.
But only Love produces the right belief to see consistent results of healing.

This is why 1 Cor 13 (Love) is the more 'excellent' way as compared to 1 Cor 12 (Gifts). In Greek, it means 'beyond measure, exceedingly, preeminently'. The way to see consistency 'beyond measure, exceedingly and preeminently' is the way of Love.

Every cancer shall be crushed every time.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Every Believer Should Watch Because You Can DO It

Every Believer Should Watch Because You Can DO It

When I first watched "Fingers of God" in 2008 (which I accidentally or God-incidentally found in the internet and thus imported the VCD), I knew deep inside that every believer can do this. It sparked something in my heart. Then in 2009, I saw Todd White's Youtube video on healing and I said to myself, "If he can do it, so can I, because we have the same Holy Spirit."

Fingers of God (2007 by Darren Wilson) is probably the first movie that reveals how every single believer can walk in power and love, because Christ IN you is the Hope of glory. I encourage you to watch it.

There are many videos nowadays along the same theme. Check out the following:
- Furious Love (2010 by Darren Wilson)
- Fathers of Light (2012 by Darren Wilson)
- Holy Ghost (2014 by Darren Wilson)
- Holy Ghost: Reborn (2015 by Darren Wilson)
- The Last Reformation: The Beginning (2016 by TLR)
- Lifestyle Christianity (2017 by Todd White)
- Christ In You (2017 by Siloam)
- The Last Reformation: The Life (2018 by TLR)

Watch how Jason in the Fingers of God gave a whole list of word of knowledge (better than medical doctors) and healing in the streets. And know that you too, can do it.

Stay tuned for School of Power and Love in December 2018. For many of you will be activated to know who you really are in Christ. #powerandlove2018 #identity

P.S: In fact, you can be activated right now. Check out the movies.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

Jesus Never Did A Conference

“Jesus never did a conference.”

My wife said that. And I know God is speaking powerfully through her.

We talked about stuff, equipping and multiplication. She simply shared what Jesus did in the Gospel —— which is what I believed in. She said, “Don’t come out from an institution to start another organisation. There is no difference if you try to do that. Just do what you are already doing and don’t be swayed. If you impact two lives and those two lives impact another two lives each, and keep on keeping on, that will be real multiplication. Because it’s about real lifestyle change.”

It really resonated with my heart. So good! Well, God is speaking (often) through our spouse. And tonight, at this hour, He is rebuking... I mean... reminding me and confirming what I believe through my wife. What a great helper God has given to me. Yay Jesus!

Own Family’s Healing

I was driving when the sole of my left foot was suddenly on fire. So I turned to my wife and asked, “Is your left foot having a problem?”

She said, “Yes. The heel area is painful.”

I prayed for her. She said, “Thank You Jesus. He wanna heal me.”

She tested it out and she is indeed healed. Yay God. #ownfamilyhealing

Sunday 8 July 2018



In the past, I was taught that if I want to see a change in culture, what I preach on the pulpit is the key.

But Jesus taught us that if we want to see a change in culture, how we LIVE our lives IN the community is the KEY. Not the pulpit.

The Great Commission is “to make disciples of all nations... teaching them to OBSERVE all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Some translations say “teaching them to obey all things...” That is not accurate. It’s easy to teach people to obey. But it’s different to teach people to observe.

The word “observe” in Greek and in context is “to observe”. How can people observe the things that were taught by Jesus?

Only when we LIVE those things out, so that they can observe our lives. Not when we preach on pulpit. 

That’s true discipleship.