Friday 26 January 2018

Generational Curses? Part 1

One of the most prevalent verses used for the belief on generational curses is found in Exo 34

“The Lord, the Lord God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abounding in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children’s children to the third and the fourth generation.” - Exo 34:6-7

Today, there are many ministries, especially inner healing, using these and other verses to teach and break generational curses. Granted, there is a degree of result. And I thank God for these ministries. For they have seen a number of people set free. I honour and love the hearts of these ministers who sincerely want people to be healed and free.

However, I don't pursue experiences. I pursue truth that brings truth-based experiences. Truth must define the experiences. Else experiences can be based on lies and half-truths which are still lies.

Is this passage really talking about generational curses?

I used to think that non-believers can still be under generational curses. But for believers, we have been freed from them (Gal 3:13). If anyone is in Christ, he is delivered from all curses (Col 1:13).

Yet recently, while I was worshiping the Lord, He spoke to me clearly, "Go and re-read what you know about generational curses in the Bible."

I went back and started reading and studying the Scriptures. This time, my eyes were opened by His grace to see what the verses are really talking about.

Can a good, good Father judge the next few generations based on the sins of their fathers, grandfathers and forefathers?

In the next part, we will see how Scriptures unfold themselves to reveal if there are really generational curses. 

It has never been in God's intent and heart. For He is perfectly just and perfectly loving at the same time. #bustgenerationalcurses

P.S: In the Old Testament, Israel was not born again. Christ had not yet come. So our context is still about generational curses among non-believers.

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