Monday 8 January 2018

Who Is Believing?

My client, a non-believer, had headache and tension on his neck. He asked me for panadol. I said, “I don’t have. But I can pray for you to be healed.” 

He smiled and said, “I don’t believe.”

I replied, “You take a seat.”

He chuckled in unbelief and said, “If you want to try, I’m ok. Because nothing will happen. It’s not going to work.”

I answered, “It’s alright that you don’t believe. I believe and that’s enough.”

Ministered to him and his headache and tension on his neck left completely. His eyes were wide open and he testified to his wife.

Unbelief in the room cannot stop one who believes. Jesus always believed. This is why whomever He touched got healed. 

So please don’t teach that unbelief in the atmosphere can prevent healing. It can’t. Jesus!

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