Thursday 18 January 2018

Because Of Unbelief/Little Faith Part 2

Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” - Matt 17:19-21

Jesus answered the disciples when they asked Him why they couldn’t see the result that He had. He said, “Because of your unbelief / little faith...”

He added, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can speak to the mountain and it will move...” Then, He seemed to add one clause in verse 21 - “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”

This verse, however, was not recorded in the earlier Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. Many scholars believe that it was added later by the scribe, after comparing with the other Gospel books. It is often concluded that the original Matthew writing did NOT have verse 21.

Hence, the key to perceive like Christ perceives does not lie in fasting. If it does, we will face a problem with what Jesus said earlier.

In Matt 9:15, Jesus said that there was NO need to fast because He was still with the disciples. He couldn’t possibly tell the disciples to fast now, so that “this kind of unbelief” can be removed.

It is as though Jesus is saying, “Hey, you don’t have to fast because I AM with you. But you have to fast because of unbelief, even though I AM with you.” 

If I were the disciples, I would go “Huh? What?”

Looking at Mark 9 will give us a clearer perspective. The Gospel of Mark was recorded much earlier than the Gospel of Matthew.

Mark 9:29 - And He said to them, “This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer.”

Apparently, fasting is NOT recorded in the verse. I checked the Greek Bible and the word ‘fasting’ is NOT in too.

So why was fasting added into Matt 17:21?

Matthew was written to the Jews.
Mark was written to the Gentiles.

The Jewish culture understood fasting. It’s their religious practice. However, they did it without understanding. The scribe probably added in for the Jewish audience.

The Gentile audience (Romans), in the book of Mark, had no practice on fasting. From what I know, the ancient Romans preferred fast food instead (pun intended). They ate on the move.

Thus, Mark must have recorded what Jesus said, “This kind cannot come out by anything except prayer.”

So in order to remove unbelief/little faith - wrong perceiving in the mind, is it prayer AND fasting, or is it simply prayer? I would submit to you that the original word was only prayer - which means communion. 

The disciples (Peter & Paul) followed Jesus' teaching in Acts 9:40 and Acts 28:8. They prayed (to perceive what Christ perceives) before they ministered.

But if you think you need to fast, go ahead. You won’t be stoned for that. In fact, people tend to think you are very spiritual (even if you are not).

However, if you think that there is no need to fast, then start feasting and have a buffet. Heaven is about feasting anyway. It is ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ If it’s feasting in heaven, then it’s feasting on earth. LOL joke aside.

There were/are people who fasted and saw great results in healing. i.e. John G Lake, Dan Mohler, etc.

There were/are also people who simply feasted (not fasting) and saw great results in healing. i.e Curry Blake.

The issue of removing wrong perceiving in the mind has NOTHING to do with fasting. We like to make a big deal over religious practice that has a form of spirituality (look good) but no power.

The key is about communion, leading to intimacy.

It’s wrong perceiving in the mind that requires the renewing of the mind (Romans 12:2), so that we can manifest the perfect will of God - seeing every single person healed.

How? By communion (intimacy). It is when we commune with Him that we behold Him and become like Him (2 Cor 3:18), so that we perceive what He perceives and manifests what He manifests.

Disclaimer: Intimacy alone doesn’t necessary produce results for healing. There are people walking in intimacy with God but don’t see any healing, because of wrong belief. We will talk about what communion entails in Part 3.

Intimacy with wrong believing does not produce results in healing.

Right believing without intimacy may produce some results in healing.

But right believing WITH intimacy (eg. Jesus) produces CONSISTENT results in healing.

Communion is the place to perceive what Christ perceives.

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