Saturday 13 January 2018

Healing Methods

Healing Methods

Jesus didn't teach His disciples how to heal the sick. He didn't give them a 5-step or 6-step model. He just told them, "Go and heal." Period.

Jesus didn't use the same method for healing the sick. So His disciples couldn't copy His method.

What's the point?

Healing is not a method. If we teach methods, people start to focus on the methods instead of the revelation of who the Father is. They start to try, instead of trust. They focus on what to do, instead of who they are (identity) as sons and daughters of the most High. 

Jesus had the revelation of the Father.

“Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner." - John 5:19

He saw FROM the Father's perspective. 

The charismatics believe that Jesus was following every method He saw from the Father, when healing the sick. They call it, "Led by the Spirit." So they believe that if we minister to the sick and they don't get healed, it's because we are not led by the Spirit to use the exact method God wants us to use.

I beg to differ. The story of Jesus healing the centurion's servant revealed that Jesus could change the method, not because He saw the Father changing His method. He changed because He knew the will of the Father.

John 5:19 is about Jesus knowing the perfect will of the Father and having the complete revelation of His goodness, so that He could see clearly from His perspective.

He had the revelation that the Father wills to heal. It is His good, acceptable and perfect will EVERY single time. Thus, whichever method He used, it always worked.

If we don't have a revelation of the Father, every method won't work, not matter how we try.

But if we have the revelation, any method works. Jesus! #healing #identity

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