Wednesday 10 January 2018

Traditions VS Word of God

Traditions can render the Word of God of no effect.
Matt 15:16

If you think that you can't eat too much Kettle Chilli chips because you will get sick, then divine health won't work for you if you eat them.

If you think that you can't take cold drinks or coffee when you are coughing or have a sore throat, then healing won't work for you if you drink them.

Kill traditions and enjoy the power of the Word.

I was down with food poisoning on Sunday. By noon, I felt chilly, nausea and had diarrhea. My loving wife was concerned, so she prepared Chinese herb for me to drink. She brought to my mouth but I rejected the drink politely. I know it's frustrating to be my spouse, because I refuse to take any medicine. It is out of love that she wanted me well. But she also knew that I would not take any medicine.

I believe in the power of the Gospel and I preach it with conviction, so I have to walk it out in my life.

I began to thank Jesus while lying on the floor - feeling weak and tired. One hour later, I had to get up for my work appointment. Then, I did not know when and I did not know how, but every symptom just disappeared suddenly. Jesus!

There are alot of traditions to cure food poisoning. If we believe in those traditions, the Word of God will be of no effect.

Conclusion: Kill traditions and enjoy the power of the Word. #healing #health

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