Sunday 30 July 2017

Man Enters Lift And Gets Born Again

A man entered the same lift after me. He was going up the second floor. God spoke and we asked, "How's your right shoulder?" He said it's hurting. We ministered and he said, "The pain is no longer there."

He also had a hearing problem with his right ear. He could hear the sound but not the words. We ministered outside the lift and stood several metres away to test out his right ear. He could hear both the sound and the words. He exclaimed, "I could never hear this before!"

Finally he asked, "Can you teach me how you do this?" We shared the Gospel and he received Jesus into his life, and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. Then he asked for our address and mobile number.

He was born into Adam before he entered the lift. But he was born again into Christ when he stepped out of the lift. The lift transferred him from ground to second floor and from darkness into light.

There is nowhere you can't manifest the kingdom. We have done it in the toilet while relieving ourselves too. Do not let location stop you from reaching someone. Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #dailyhealings #salvation

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