Tuesday 15 August 2017

Give Me A Double Portion Of Your Anointing?

Ever heard of people at the altar praying, "I'm going to pray for a double portion of anointing upon you!"

And after that, there is usually no increment in anointing. Because if there is truly a double portion, then the fruit should be doubled!

I sure love it man... Imagine praying for a double portion of anointing over and over and over and over and over again... your fruit will multiply exponentially in the shortest period of time. There is no need to yield to the Holy Spirit or live a surrendered life. It's a quick-fix. It's a shortcut.

Where did people get this terminology from?

2 Kings 2:9 - Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”

This is in response to what Elijah (the mentor) asked, "What may I do for you?" Because he was going to be taken up to heaven.

What does "double portion" really mean in those days? We need to let the Law of First Mention interpret the Scriptures for us.

Deut 21:17 - But he shall acknowledge the son of the unloved wife as the FIRSTBORN by giving him a double portion of all that he has... (emphasis added)

1) To give a double portion is to acknowledge the person as the firstborn

2) Double portion does not mean 200% of the inheritance. If you have five sons, it means that the firstborn gets double share of what each of the other four sons have

Hence, what could Elisha be really asking for?

The Old Covenant is New Covenant concealed. The New Covenant is Old Covenant revealed.

Elijah pointed to John the Baptist (Matt 11:13-14). It is interesting that the incident of "double portion" between Elijah and Elisha happened at Jordan River.

Elisha pointed to Jesus. John baptised Jesus at Jordan. When Jesus came up from water, heaven was rent open and the Spirit descended upon Him ---- Jesus was the FIRSTBORN Son (Rom 8:29).

Thus, when Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit, he was asking to be the FIRSTBORN. He wanted to be the successor of Elijah among many other prophets.

Today, we are the "successors" of Christ. He gave us His anointing, the Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27). You don't have to ask for a double portion, because He already gave FREELY when He died on the Cross.

It's an insult to His grace and finished works to ask for a double portion of His anointing. It is saying, "Your finished works is not finished enough. There should be more. Maybe You should die twice so that I can have twice as much."

As believers, what we truly need is to yield and surrender to Him more and more so that the fullness of His anointing can manifest more and more in our lives.

Stop asking for more. Start becoming more. #identity

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