Thursday 17 August 2017

Xperiential Outreach @ Chinatown

Many elderly were healed and blessed tonight. Quite a number had their uneven spines straightened. One had his vision partially restored.

We asked one lady if she has a relative called Xiao Yan and in her 20s, she said, "Yes. She is 26." We asked, "Is she doing building related stuff?" She said, "She is studying in building management and design." We said, "She has injury on her left ankle. Can you check with her through phone?" She immediately answered, "Yes. You are right. I know she has injury at that area." We released healing in proxy and asked her to check with her relative when she reached home. She was completely shocked at what happened and how we knew. She was personally healed of abdomen pain, numbness and pain on fingers. Jesus!

One guy was unable to lift up his right hand for a long time. He went for treatment but to no avail. He showed us many times how he could only lift less than half of his shoulder height. After a few people ministered to him, he could lift up completely. He said he would visit Hokkien service (testified by Joycelyn). Jesus!

Stay tuned for next outreach in pubs. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment

P.S: A number of church members joined us for the first time and they immediately walked in healing without whatever impartation or prayer. Love to see people walking in their identity - Christ IN them is the Hope of glory. Stop looking everywhere and start looking within. The kingdom of God is within you.

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