Saturday 29 July 2017

Original Mission

Original Mission

Adam's original mission was to take dominion over all living things. To take dominion reveals that there was already chaos on earth before Adam was created.

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. - Gen 1:2

The word "without form" and "void" in Hebrew means "a place of chaos and indistinguishable ruin".

The earth was good but not perfect to begin with. "Darkness" was on the face of the deep. There was obscurity and wickedness. For the devil and his fallen angels were already there.

Adam, having a divine nature, was created in the image and the likeness of God. He was tasked to take dominion over the earth, over every living thing, so that God's world invades the earth.

He failed because he didn't know his identity. The enemy deceived him (Eve) to think that he needed to work and strive to become who he already was. He was already created in God's image and likeness.

As a result, the enemy took Adam's authority when the latter fell. Throughout the Old Covenant, we saw men living without the authority that God gave to Adam. We are not meant to take reference from the lives of Old Testament saints and men, because they lived in an inferior covenant.

Jesus, the last Adam, came to show us the original mission of the first Adam. Jesus, having the divine nature, came to represent the exact image and likeness of God - which Adam was supposed to walk in. Adam didn't need to have the anointing. But Jesus needed to have the anointing, because He had to be the firstborn among us. When the anointing (Holy Spirit) came upon Him, God declares "This is My beloved Son..." (Matthew 3:16-17)

Jesus had to be the example of a Son (though He is THE Son), so that when we receive the anointing (Holy Spirit), we can be born again to be Jesus' siblings.

We were born into first Adam, but born again into last Adam. When we were born again, the very breath of God came into us. We received the divine nature and were redeemed into the original image and likeness of God.

On the Cross, the last Adam took back the authority that the enemy stole from the first Adam.

By the blood of Jesus, we have been redeemed to the Garden before the Fall. It is just as if we had never fallen before. We have been restored to our original mission with the original authority - to take dominion over the earth until Jesus returns to destroy the last enemy - death, the final footstool to be placed under Jesus' feet. The latter part is the Rapture.

Today, the enemy is still doing the same thing to deceive believers. He has come to steal, kill and destroy, first and foremost, our identity. The very reason he wants to keep believers from knowing our identity is because he is so fearful of who we are.

We are meant to crush hell for a living. When we walk in our identity, God's world invades the fallen world, reminding the devil of his final destiny. Not only that, we hasten his destiny as we advance the kingdom of God, because when all the nations hear the Gospel preached, the end will come.

Let's pursue our identity and take dominion NOW. #identity

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