Friday 21 July 2017

Healing: Seeing Through Christ's Love For Our Family

Ever wondered why it seems easier to minister healing to strangers than our family? I did. Yes, I have seen some measures of healing breakthrough for my own family, especially when my son was down with flu and fever. We ministered healing and the fever often left in one day. Thank God for that. But I have yet to see consistent results for other family members.

It is almost impossible not to have questions in our heart when healing doesn't happen. The issue is not about asking questions. Because you will definitely have. The issue is finding the answer in the Person who wrote the Book of truth. Don't give an answer based on your own experience. Don't address what Jesus did not address. Find your answer in the Person of Jesus Christ.

There is only one answer Jesus gave when healing didn't happen. So let's not add to His answer with all kinds of religious reasons. Neither do we compromise it by saying, "Jesus never addressed this. So it's a mystery." 

When the disciples asked a question because they couldn't heal the boy, Jesus answered, "Because of your unbelief..." (Matthew 17:20)

In other words, Jesus is saying, "You are not seeing from My perspective. I always see what the Father do. You need to see what I do." (John 5:19)

Jesus came down from Mt Transfiguration, bringing the Father's perspective to the demon-possessed boy. The disciples couldn't heal him, but Jesus healed him.

Faith always works through Love (Gal 5:6). But it is not your love or my love. It is the perfect Love of Christ. Perfect love casts out fear so that we can see clearly from His perspective. If we can see through His perfect Love for the sick, faith is a by-product which brings the result. We speak to the mountain and the mountain moves.

The Holy Spirit personally taught my wife on this one day. I have never shared this with her. I knew it was the Holy Spirit because it was in line with Scriptures.

On that day, I ministered to my mum-in-law who had swollen legs. There was only slight improvement on the following day. At the same time, my mum-in-law's domestic helper was feeling nausea, vomited a few times, and having great discomfort in her stomach. I ministered to her and all symptoms left immediately.

As we were leaving, my wife said, "I think I know why there's a difference. You see her through Christ's love. The love is pure. It's the love of Christ. But your love for my mum is not pure. It's not the love of Christ."

As much as my flesh would like to contend, she is right. With our own family members, we love them. But the love is sometimes not pure because of human's love. There is human affection involved. They are our loved ones. They are close to us. When we minister healing to them, we can't help but allow human affection to come in. When that happens, it is not seeing through Christ's Love. Because where human affection is involved, we start to work (subconsciously) for the healing instead of resting in His finished works and trusting in His perfect Love. 

The biblical standard is to see the same result regardless of who we are ministering to, whether it is a stranger or our family member. But in reality, we are still growing to that point (by the grace of God) so that we see from Christ's perspective for every single one, including our family.

When Smith Wigglesworth punched, I mean... ministered healing, he never treated the person as a person. His eyes only saw the sickness. He only saw the devil. He was rough (not that I agree with punching). He said, "You are not dealing with a person; you are dealing with the devil." He believed that every sickness and disease are the workings of the devil. He saw everyone on that page. He did not allow his human affection to be involved. Guess what? He had great, CONSISTENT results.

When we don't see our family members healed, we don't go, "Sigh... my own family is harder..." No. Then you are living according to your experience instead of pursuing the truth. We need to go, "Jesus, I want to see Your perspective. I want to grow in seeing through Your perfect love. I thank You for giving me the mind of Christ. I thank You that You are maturing me to see what You see. I thank You that You are aligning my reality to Yours."

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