Tuesday 11 July 2017

Facing Failure - When Healing Doesn't Happen

We love to share stories of success. That's natural. Who doesn't like to celebrate the good news and joy of overcoming? We consider it a testimony to share a story that has a good conclusion. Thus, we only post healings and miracles that have taken place. Because in reality, those are what we considered as success.

Nobody likes to present a bad report or failure. So many people keep the reality under the radar. Out of many who are healed, there are also many who are not healed. There are many who actually died. But you seldom see any ministry sharing about people dying and not getting healed. Why? We are afraid of failure. We are afraid of letting people know what didn't happen. In the religious context, we tell people, "Oh, we simply want to focus on what God is doing, not what God is not doing."

The truth is... healing is not about what God is doing or not doing. He has already done it when His Son paid for every sickness and disease to be healed on the Cross. When we say that "God is not doing...", we are putting the responsibility and the blame on Him when He has already given the full authority and power to us in Christ to heal every sickness and disease. Let me submit to us that when healing doesn't happen, it is US who fails to see what Christ sees. To put it in perspective, if Christ stands in front of the person who is dying, that person will get up fully healed. But if we stand in front of the dying person and he doesn't get healed, it's because the dying person has gotten us instead of Christ.

This week, the HRT team ministered to two dying patients. One was a sole bread winner with a teenage boy. The other is a young mother who has two young kids - age 4 and 6. We were 'fighting' for the mother to live. I'm a father of a 4-year old boy. I cannot imagine my son without a mother at this age. I simply cannot. Tears are welling up in my eyes even as I write this. Sometimes, in ministry, it is easy to simply reduce people to a number - where you no longer feel anything. If that happens, I suggest you go back to the secret place and see the heart of God. Because in reality, they are precious lives purchased by the blood of Jesus.

We failed to see her healed. She went home to be with the Lord. Alot of sincere people would say that "Well, God has taken her home. She is at peace now." That is a plain lie from hell. If Christ were to be there in the ICU ward, this young mother will live. Besides, it is never God's will to see her family broken without a mother. It is the devil who came to steal, kill and destroy the family life.

The God in the missions field and the God in the rural areas is the same God in Singapore. If there are so many cases of dying people healed and dead being raised in other nations - which is the will of God - there ought to be the SAME results in Singapore. Singapore has seen a certain measure of breakthrough, but pale in comparison with other nations. Yes, we rejoice in what already happened. Thank God for that. Praise God for that. But we cannot be complacent. There is much MORE.

Unfortunately, the way we are being brought up in Singapore has somehow hindered us from seeing what God sees. Almost 99% of Singaporeans would not consider the option of raising the dead when their family members died. Because our eyes are set on the reality of our world instead of the reality of His world --- the Word of truth in the Bible.

I'm sad for not seeing what Christ sees for the young mother. We have sent our apologies to her family. But I'm not discouraged or feeling down. If you don't minister to the dying, you won't have any failure. If you don't minister to the sick, you won't have any report of unhealed case or death case. I count it a privilege to minister to the sick and the dying. The possible outcome of having the dying person comes to life and healed far outweighs the possible outcome of death. For that, I will take the risk. Because if we don't lay our hands on them, they won't even have any possibility. I count it a privilege for the Father to put His kingdom in me, for me to manifest out through my hands.

Yes. We failed to represent Christ for this young mother. But it stirs me up even more to go for all that Jesus has paid for. It stirs me up to go after the fullness of my identity. It stirs me up to grow in seeing what Christ sees - heaven's perspective - so that I can manifest what He manifests.

Many ministries will keep death and unhealed cases under the radar. But we want to bring these to light because it is a reality. Success is important. We rejoice in all the healing cases we have seen. But failure is equally important. Without failure, we will never grow. 

Sharing successes leads to applauses. But sharing failures leads to encouragement and growth.

We will continue to focus on the Cross and the finished works of Christ so that the fullness of His reality crush our reality. We will see many more cases of dying people healed and being raised from the dead IN Singapore.

It is time for us as believers to be awakened, to be empowered to walk in our identity and together, we can manifest the kingdom to a world who needs the King. Singapore, ARISE and SHINE! #identity #hrt #healing #raisethedead #sharingfailure #PnL

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