Saturday 15 April 2017

The Launch of Xperiential

With the help of a few others, Xperiential is launched. Our facebook page is

We're a bunch of friends that just want to love on others without strings attached! We are not a religious organisation.

We believe that experiential wholeness and tangible healing, both emotional and physical, does not mean hefty price tags, but comes FREELY to those who want to receive. You don't have to believe to receive!

We have experienced the miraculous through His Love, and want you to experience it too!

Through the help of others, we now have business cards where we can give to those we reach in the streets so that we can stay in touch with them, follow up on them and hopefully connect them with a church to be discipled. This is the reason why we launched Xperiential facebook page.

Business card

Presently, we have a total of 13-14 different churches in the group. We simply set aside our doctrinal differences to fulfill one purpose - the Great Commission! Yay Jesus!

My heart is overwhelmed at this moment. I'm so privileged and blessed to see what God is doing.

Looking back, it all began with simple step of faith. After I left full-time church ministry in 2016, I felt led to go into the streets regularly (though I had been doing since 2012) and reach the lost with the demonstration of the Gospel power. I went by myself every week, on Tuesdays.

In April 2016, during my devotion, God spoke to me, "I'm giving you a pair of grey shoes to put on. Get ready for upgrade." Whenever God wants to give me an upgrade, He will show me a vision of a pair of shoes. This round, it was a grey pair of shoes. I asked, "What are they for?" He replied, "It's for the Gospel. As you get out into the streets to preach the Gospel, I will bring people alongside you."

My personal street outreach was effective to a certain degree but one day, in May 2016, my wife and I were at Waterway Point Shopping Mall when we saw some guys in cosplay outside the Shaw Threatre. They were wearing Marvel superhero costumes. People were drawn to them as they took photos of them.

A thought then came into my mind. "Why not?"

Not long later, as I was pondering on which superhero costume I should buy, three spiders appeared on the same day. I was reminded that I often walked into spider webs. My wife could be walking beside me without walking into it. Thus, I decided to buy Spiderman costume.

The first time I hit the streets as Spiderman was with Glen. I saw from facebook that he has a costume, so I asked if he would like to join me. We headed out and saw many healings and 3 salvations that day.

Sometimes, I would just head out alone on Tuesdays.

This guy suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and was wheelchair-bound for 10 years. But he started walking! Praise Jesus! 

As we shared the testimonies on facebook, more people were interested to join us. The second group outreach had 5 Spidermen!

Slowly and surely, God brought more and more people from different churches to join in the group outreaches. He is fulfilling the vision of the grey pair of Gospel shoes that He gave me. He is bringing people alongside to fulfill the Great Commission in the streets.

I am also reminded of Madeleine Tan, the Bethel Sozo Regional Director for Asia, who prophesied on me years ago that I would be reaching people in the streets with Jesus. Pastor Amos also prophesied on me when I was in YWAM, that God would give me many creative ways to reach people in evangelism.

These are all coming to pass.

My then, 3-year old son who healed the man with knee problem.

These photos are just some of the group outreaches we had done.

On Thursday evening, with our facebook page Xperiential launched and with our business cards printed, we went for Pre-Easter Outreach.

There were so many healings and 15 salvations!

We put a hula hoop on the ground and people stepped into the hoop to be healed. We simply stood and watched as they stood inside the hoop.

People were healed of wrist injury, dizziness, sore throat, flu, eye problem, knees, back pain, shoulder pain, etc.

A lady with the highest level of spiritual meditation encountered the One who holds all power and you can see her face shaken by the highest Power of all. Jesus! 

This is the reason for the Resurrection of Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #healings #ResurrectionPower #ResurrectionSunday #ResurrectionPurpose #Xperiential

Xperiential reminds me of the faithfulness and the goodness of God. I look forward to reaching more people with this awesome team! All glory to Jesus!

P.S: This Good Friday falls on the exact date when I almost gave up my search for the real God 11 years ago. I am thankful that He pursued me. This coming Easter 16 April is the exact date I was saved 11 years ago.

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