Monday 24 April 2017

Overwhelm Living With Believing

For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, CERTAINLY we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection. - Romans 6:5

Now if we have died with Christ, WE BELIEVE that we shall also live with Him. - Romans 6:8

I believe that the word 'certainly' and the words 'we believe' are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We have no doubt that we have become united with Christ in His death. We have no doubt that we have died with Christ. This is why 'certainly' and 'we believe' are not added in the first part of each Scripture.

It takes assurance to know that we have the same resurrection life that Christ has. The Holy Spirit added 'certainly' so that we have confidence in His Word when we don't feel like we are walking in that resurrection life.

"...we believe that we shall also live with Him." Why didn't the Scripture simply say, "Now if we have died with Christ, we shall also live with Him"?

The Holy Spirit knew close to 2000 years ago that we would find it difficult to believe that we have the resurrection life and power of Christ. He wrote, 'we believe...' so that we learn to walk by faith, instead of sight and feeling.

He's saying, "Even if you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you can BELIEVE that you have the resurrection life, because you will walk through it and come out of the valley."

It is easy to look at our living and let it overwhelm our believing. When our living gets difficult, it is difficult to think that we are walking in resurrection life and power.

This is why the Holy Spirit wrote, 'we believe...' It is difficult to know that the resurrection life is our reality when we are going through the reality of loss, pain, trauma and suffering.

But when the Holy Spirit wrote, 'we believe...', He is telling us that regardless of what we are going through, we let faith in what Christ has gone through overwhelm what we are going through.

When our living becomes overwhelming, we let our believing overwhelm our living. And our believing will eventually BECOME our living.

This is the reason why the righteous shall live BY FAITH. 


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