Thursday 13 April 2017

It's Not What You Eat That Defiles You

The symptoms of flu came upon me yesterday when I brought J out. My throat was having much discomfort. My body was warm and I felt tired. Even when I drank the latte I made, it tasted different.

Before I slept, I felt that I should eat potato chips, despite the discomfort I was having. Well, it's the leading of my heart desire. Yet Christ and I are one. 

No Asian in right mind will eat that. Because doctors, research and your parents have taught you to stay away from "heaty" stuff. I almost finished the whole big packet.

Before I ate, I simply thanked Jesus and turned my affection towards Him. Well, you can eat potato chips with Jesus and it's the most holy thing haha.

This morning, I woke up completely healed without any flu symptom. Jesus!

Indeed, it's not what you eat that defiles you. It's what you think that defiles you.

There are people who are extremely health conscious that they are living in fear when it comes to the food they eat. Yet they end up with a lot of health issues. Because it's not about what you eat, it's about what you think and believe.

Divine health doesn't depend on the food you eat or the exercise regime you strictly follow. These will always fail you. But Jesus is always faithful! 

Disclaimer: Please don't try eating potato chips and use it as a method for divine health lol.

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