Monday 3 April 2017

Traditions On Healing

There is no hindrance to healing. If we could remove the traditions of men from our mind, we can see healings more easily.

"And by this you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition." - Matthew 15:6

These are some of the traditions which should be removed, because you can't find any one of them in the ministry and the life of Jesus:

1) It is not always God's will to heal
2) God has a plan and purpose for your sickness
3) God allows sickness to teach you a lesson on faith & character
4) The sick needs to have faith to be healed
5) The sick doesn't believe / has unbelief
6) There is a generational curse/sin
7) There is unforgiveness and bitterness in his heart
8) There is willful sin in his life
9) It is not God's timing to heal yet
10) The sick person is fearful and thus, cannot receive healing
11) God only heals those whose lives are holy and good
12) The sickness is too great. So the minister must fast and pray first
13) God receives a greater glory if the sick is not healed
14) God wants to humble the sick because of pride
15) There is unbelief in the atmosphere
16) You need to first preach the Word in order for the sick person to receive healing
17) Healing is a mystery. There is a mystery why the sick doesn't get healed

We come up with reasons to justify what we do not see and comfort/protect our hearts. It's still about self.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Gal 2:20

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