Wednesday 19 April 2017

New Believer

"We teach a newly born-again believer that they can raise the dead." - David Hogan

Unfortunately, today, we teach new believers how to reason out the truth of the Great Commission - "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons..." 

We teach them to run programme, play games, lead devotions, etc. I think the devil is telling his demons, "Well, if they want to become Christians, sure... but just let them continue to run programme, play games, etc. Tell them that healing the sick and raising the dead belongs to a very rare handful of extremely anointed apostles. Tell them that it's not for new and young believers. Tell them that they need to be at least 40 years as a believer."

A new believer has the same Holy Spirit as Jesus. A new believer has the same anointing as Jesus. A new believer can do greater works than Jesus did while He was on earth. A new believer can heal the sick and raise the dead. 

Teach them this truth and they will never go back to Christian social clubs.

We say, "What if the new believer becomes proud?"

Well, character transformation is not your job. It's the Holy Spirit's. Stop trying to do the work of God. 

The root is actually called jealousy and insecurity.

Because if your son does something amazing, you will celebrate and praise him. I don't think you will go, "Son, you did something amazing. Stop doing it or you will become proud. Stop studying so well, you know? Don't be top in class. You are still so young. Be the last in class so that you won't become proud!"

If we see fellow brothers and sisters as a family, we will celebrate what they are doing.

I play toys with my 4-year old son. I taught him to raise the toys from the dead because Jesus is able and Jesus wants to. 

In one of the outreaches, my then 3-year old son ministered healing to a man. His knee was completely healed.

Just as a child always believes simply, let's not destroy the simple faith of a new believer.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.


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