Sunday 30 April 2017

Healing of Cancer & Muscle Ache - Twisted Perspective

If we are more thankful for healing of cancer than healing of muscle ache, we will see lesser healing of cancer than healing of muscle ache. It's a twisted perspective that exalts cancer and disregards the value of the Cross and the price Jesus paid for every sickness to be healed - from muscle ache to cancer. 

In 2017, we shall see healing of cancer as easily as healing of muscle ache. #2017

If you know of anyone who is suffering from cancer, please PM us. We minister healing for free.

In His grace, love and power,
Healing Response Team (HRT)

Believing Goes Fastest!

While heading to the washroom, I walked past a waiter. Was prompted to turn back and asked about the back of his neck.

He said, "Yeah..."

Before I could even minister healing, he suddenly felt tingling at the back of his neck and was healed. Jesus!

Your believing is more important than your praying. It's not about what you say. It's about what you believe.

Because your believing goes much faster ahead than what you think and say. #lifestylechristianity101 #dailyhealings #collectingpayment #believing

Tuesday 25 April 2017

The Prayer of Faith By Elders

Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. - James 5:14-15

Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. - James 5:16

This is probably one of the most misused passages in the New Testament. Many use verse 16 for different applications:

1) Confess your secret sins to another person. Else you will never walk free from sin. You will never be fully restored.

But John 8:32 says, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." 

John 8:36 - "If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed."

Romans 6:7 - for he who has died is free from sin.

Apparently, if you follow the confession application, you need people to set you free. Jesus can't. The Cross is not enough. His death is not enough.

2) Confess your sins so that you can receive emotional and mental wholeness.

The verses in 1) above apply. Furthermore, you can't find an incident where Jesus demanded that.

3) Confess your sins so that you can receive physical healing. If you don't confess, you can't be healed.

You cannot find a Scripture reference where Jesus told someone to first confess his sins in order to be healed. Every single person He healed was in sin. None of them was saved yet! In fact, for Jesus, healing someone is the same as forgiving their sins (Luke 5:23-24), because He knew that He would pay for all their sins and healings on the Cross (Rom 3:25-26). The main issue now is no longer about sins. It's about believing in Him and returning as His son.

The preceding verse is self-explanatory. You can't read James 5:14-15 and still think that verse 16 is talking about confession of sins in order to be healed. It's pretty obvious.

If anyone is sick, call the elders. James was addressing to a church context. The prayer of faith will heal the sick. This word 'prayer' in Greek is unique. It is the only word ever used in the whole of New Testament regarding prayer. Jesus didn't ask us to pray for the sick. He told us to heal the sick. The 'prayer' of faith is such a declaration. You declare from heaven to earth for the sick to be healed. Because it's paid by the stripes of Jesus.

The prayer of faith shall heal the sick. If the sick is not healed, then it's not the prayer of faith, it's the prayer of unbelief. It's that simple. But we like to make Scriptures complicated, so that we can address our own insecurity and disappointment.

The elders in church are supposed to be the ones having the prayer of faith. But nowadays, we appoint elders based on their secular experiences and years of being in the church.

Notice, the sick are not the ones to be burdened with the responsibility of walking in healing. The burden rests on the shoulders of the elders in the church. They need to keep growing in seeing what Christ sees. That's the responsibility of elders.

Disclaimer: Every believer has the same responsibility/privilege to keep growing. But the elders in church have a greater responsibility to do so because they watch over their flocks.

Coming back to James 5:16. The word "trespasses/sins" used here is not the usual 'hamartia' (in Greek). It is 'paraptoma', which can be translated as fault or offense.

Could it be referring to Matthew 18:15?

"Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother."

Because when you confess your offenses against each other with each other, you will pray for each other and you will be healed relationally. You gain a brother. You gain a restored relationship.

Monday 24 April 2017

Overwhelm Living With Believing

For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of His death, CERTAINLY we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection. - Romans 6:5

Now if we have died with Christ, WE BELIEVE that we shall also live with Him. - Romans 6:8

I believe that the word 'certainly' and the words 'we believe' are divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We have no doubt that we have become united with Christ in His death. We have no doubt that we have died with Christ. This is why 'certainly' and 'we believe' are not added in the first part of each Scripture.

It takes assurance to know that we have the same resurrection life that Christ has. The Holy Spirit added 'certainly' so that we have confidence in His Word when we don't feel like we are walking in that resurrection life.

"...we believe that we shall also live with Him." Why didn't the Scripture simply say, "Now if we have died with Christ, we shall also live with Him"?

The Holy Spirit knew close to 2000 years ago that we would find it difficult to believe that we have the resurrection life and power of Christ. He wrote, 'we believe...' so that we learn to walk by faith, instead of sight and feeling.

He's saying, "Even if you are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, you can BELIEVE that you have the resurrection life, because you will walk through it and come out of the valley."

It is easy to look at our living and let it overwhelm our believing. When our living gets difficult, it is difficult to think that we are walking in resurrection life and power.

This is why the Holy Spirit wrote, 'we believe...' It is difficult to know that the resurrection life is our reality when we are going through the reality of loss, pain, trauma and suffering.

But when the Holy Spirit wrote, 'we believe...', He is telling us that regardless of what we are going through, we let faith in what Christ has gone through overwhelm what we are going through.

When our living becomes overwhelming, we let our believing overwhelm our living. And our believing will eventually BECOME our living.

This is the reason why the righteous shall live BY FAITH. 


Wednesday 19 April 2017

New Believer

"We teach a newly born-again believer that they can raise the dead." - David Hogan

Unfortunately, today, we teach new believers how to reason out the truth of the Great Commission - "Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons..." 

We teach them to run programme, play games, lead devotions, etc. I think the devil is telling his demons, "Well, if they want to become Christians, sure... but just let them continue to run programme, play games, etc. Tell them that healing the sick and raising the dead belongs to a very rare handful of extremely anointed apostles. Tell them that it's not for new and young believers. Tell them that they need to be at least 40 years as a believer."

A new believer has the same Holy Spirit as Jesus. A new believer has the same anointing as Jesus. A new believer can do greater works than Jesus did while He was on earth. A new believer can heal the sick and raise the dead. 

Teach them this truth and they will never go back to Christian social clubs.

We say, "What if the new believer becomes proud?"

Well, character transformation is not your job. It's the Holy Spirit's. Stop trying to do the work of God. 

The root is actually called jealousy and insecurity.

Because if your son does something amazing, you will celebrate and praise him. I don't think you will go, "Son, you did something amazing. Stop doing it or you will become proud. Stop studying so well, you know? Don't be top in class. You are still so young. Be the last in class so that you won't become proud!"

If we see fellow brothers and sisters as a family, we will celebrate what they are doing.

I play toys with my 4-year old son. I taught him to raise the toys from the dead because Jesus is able and Jesus wants to. 

In one of the outreaches, my then 3-year old son ministered healing to a man. His knee was completely healed.

Just as a child always believes simply, let's not destroy the simple faith of a new believer.

You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.


Saturday 15 April 2017

The Launch of Xperiential

With the help of a few others, Xperiential is launched. Our facebook page is

We're a bunch of friends that just want to love on others without strings attached! We are not a religious organisation.

We believe that experiential wholeness and tangible healing, both emotional and physical, does not mean hefty price tags, but comes FREELY to those who want to receive. You don't have to believe to receive!

We have experienced the miraculous through His Love, and want you to experience it too!

Through the help of others, we now have business cards where we can give to those we reach in the streets so that we can stay in touch with them, follow up on them and hopefully connect them with a church to be discipled. This is the reason why we launched Xperiential facebook page.

Business card

Presently, we have a total of 13-14 different churches in the group. We simply set aside our doctrinal differences to fulfill one purpose - the Great Commission! Yay Jesus!

My heart is overwhelmed at this moment. I'm so privileged and blessed to see what God is doing.

Looking back, it all began with simple step of faith. After I left full-time church ministry in 2016, I felt led to go into the streets regularly (though I had been doing since 2012) and reach the lost with the demonstration of the Gospel power. I went by myself every week, on Tuesdays.

In April 2016, during my devotion, God spoke to me, "I'm giving you a pair of grey shoes to put on. Get ready for upgrade." Whenever God wants to give me an upgrade, He will show me a vision of a pair of shoes. This round, it was a grey pair of shoes. I asked, "What are they for?" He replied, "It's for the Gospel. As you get out into the streets to preach the Gospel, I will bring people alongside you."

My personal street outreach was effective to a certain degree but one day, in May 2016, my wife and I were at Waterway Point Shopping Mall when we saw some guys in cosplay outside the Shaw Threatre. They were wearing Marvel superhero costumes. People were drawn to them as they took photos of them.

A thought then came into my mind. "Why not?"

Not long later, as I was pondering on which superhero costume I should buy, three spiders appeared on the same day. I was reminded that I often walked into spider webs. My wife could be walking beside me without walking into it. Thus, I decided to buy Spiderman costume.

The first time I hit the streets as Spiderman was with Glen. I saw from facebook that he has a costume, so I asked if he would like to join me. We headed out and saw many healings and 3 salvations that day.

Sometimes, I would just head out alone on Tuesdays.

This guy suffered from Multiple Sclerosis and was wheelchair-bound for 10 years. But he started walking! Praise Jesus! 

As we shared the testimonies on facebook, more people were interested to join us. The second group outreach had 5 Spidermen!

Slowly and surely, God brought more and more people from different churches to join in the group outreaches. He is fulfilling the vision of the grey pair of Gospel shoes that He gave me. He is bringing people alongside to fulfill the Great Commission in the streets.

I am also reminded of Madeleine Tan, the Bethel Sozo Regional Director for Asia, who prophesied on me years ago that I would be reaching people in the streets with Jesus. Pastor Amos also prophesied on me when I was in YWAM, that God would give me many creative ways to reach people in evangelism.

These are all coming to pass.

My then, 3-year old son who healed the man with knee problem.

These photos are just some of the group outreaches we had done.

On Thursday evening, with our facebook page Xperiential launched and with our business cards printed, we went for Pre-Easter Outreach.

There were so many healings and 15 salvations!

We put a hula hoop on the ground and people stepped into the hoop to be healed. We simply stood and watched as they stood inside the hoop.

People were healed of wrist injury, dizziness, sore throat, flu, eye problem, knees, back pain, shoulder pain, etc.

A lady with the highest level of spiritual meditation encountered the One who holds all power and you can see her face shaken by the highest Power of all. Jesus! 

This is the reason for the Resurrection of Jesus! #lifestylechristianity101 #healings #ResurrectionPower #ResurrectionSunday #ResurrectionPurpose #Xperiential

Xperiential reminds me of the faithfulness and the goodness of God. I look forward to reaching more people with this awesome team! All glory to Jesus!

P.S: This Good Friday falls on the exact date when I almost gave up my search for the real God 11 years ago. I am thankful that He pursued me. This coming Easter 16 April is the exact date I was saved 11 years ago.

Thursday 13 April 2017

It's Not What You Eat That Defiles You

The symptoms of flu came upon me yesterday when I brought J out. My throat was having much discomfort. My body was warm and I felt tired. Even when I drank the latte I made, it tasted different.

Before I slept, I felt that I should eat potato chips, despite the discomfort I was having. Well, it's the leading of my heart desire. Yet Christ and I are one. 

No Asian in right mind will eat that. Because doctors, research and your parents have taught you to stay away from "heaty" stuff. I almost finished the whole big packet.

Before I ate, I simply thanked Jesus and turned my affection towards Him. Well, you can eat potato chips with Jesus and it's the most holy thing haha.

This morning, I woke up completely healed without any flu symptom. Jesus!

Indeed, it's not what you eat that defiles you. It's what you think that defiles you.

There are people who are extremely health conscious that they are living in fear when it comes to the food they eat. Yet they end up with a lot of health issues. Because it's not about what you eat, it's about what you think and believe.

Divine health doesn't depend on the food you eat or the exercise regime you strictly follow. These will always fail you. But Jesus is always faithful! 

Disclaimer: Please don't try eating potato chips and use it as a method for divine health lol.

Wednesday 5 April 2017

Name Above All Names

The Name above all names DID NOT defend His Name on earth, so that our names can be written in HEAVEN.

Now that our names are written in HEAVEN, we no longer need to defend our names on earth. #identity


Monday 3 April 2017

Traditions On Healing

There is no hindrance to healing. If we could remove the traditions of men from our mind, we can see healings more easily.

"And by this you invalidated the word of God for the sake of your tradition." - Matthew 15:6

These are some of the traditions which should be removed, because you can't find any one of them in the ministry and the life of Jesus:

1) It is not always God's will to heal
2) God has a plan and purpose for your sickness
3) God allows sickness to teach you a lesson on faith & character
4) The sick needs to have faith to be healed
5) The sick doesn't believe / has unbelief
6) There is a generational curse/sin
7) There is unforgiveness and bitterness in his heart
8) There is willful sin in his life
9) It is not God's timing to heal yet
10) The sick person is fearful and thus, cannot receive healing
11) God only heals those whose lives are holy and good
12) The sickness is too great. So the minister must fast and pray first
13) God receives a greater glory if the sick is not healed
14) God wants to humble the sick because of pride
15) There is unbelief in the atmosphere
16) You need to first preach the Word in order for the sick person to receive healing
17) Healing is a mystery. There is a mystery why the sick doesn't get healed

We come up with reasons to justify what we do not see and comfort/protect our hearts. It's still about self.

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me. - Gal 2:20

Healing Is About Perceiving