Sunday 25 September 2016

Forgiven & Healed

Mark 2:5 - When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

This passage used to really baffle me. The paralytic man didn't ask to be forgiven of his sins. Neither did Jesus see his faith and forgave him. Jesus only saw the faith of his friends, who climbed the roof and lowered him to be healed.

Can salvation be received on behalf of someone? I don't think so.

Mark 2:9-11 - Which is easier, to say to the paralytic, ‘Your sins are forgiven you,’ or to say, ‘Arise, take up your bed and walk’? But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins”—He said to the paralytic, "I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”

It is obviously easier to say, "Your sins are forgiven you" than to say, "Arise, take up your bed and walk." You have to prove the latter if you say it.

Jesus, however, chose the tougher move. He healed the paralytic man to prove that He has forgiven his sins. Apparently, for Jesus, there is no separation between forgiveness and healing. It is the religious people who tend to say, "Oh forgiveness of sins is spiritual, but healing is a different story."

Jesus said, "But that you may know that the Son of Man has the power on earth to forgive sins." He confirmed the forgiveness of the paralytic man by healing him.

This is the work of grace. Jesus didn't need the paralytic man to say, "Lord, forgive me." By His grace, He chose to forgive his sins. Because He is the Son of Man who has the authority on earth to forgive sins.

On the Cross, Jesus forgave the sins of the world. It is the same work of grace. God so loved the world that He chose His Son to die so that the sins of every mankind are forgiven. This also means that He has chosen to heal ALL.

However, being forgiven and healed doesn't automatically mean that a person has entered the kingdom of God. It is by grace THROUGH faith. It requires a response by us - believing in Him.

The question is not, "Am I forgiven?" or "Can I be healed?" Because the work is already completed on the Cross. The question is, "Will I believe in Him as the Saviour and Lord?"

Saturday 24 September 2016

Wife's First Healing

After dinner celebration, we were about to go when the cashier played with my son. God spoke to me about her right shoulder. Asked her and she was surprised that I knew. I got my wife to lay hand on her shoulder and she immediately felt relief.

Another staff came and said that she often sprains her neck. She had pain at the right side of her neck. My wife laid hand and she got healed.

We shared with them about Jesus. Yay God! 

It is all about walking out our identity and inheritance everywhere we go.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #everywhereyougo #firsthealingbywifey #manymoretocome #coupleforces #coupleunited

Unknown Stomach Issue Healed

Young girl with one year of unknown stomach issue healed.

Doctor couldn't diagnose the root of her continual stomach pain. She would have severe pain in the mornings.

She went for a healing service recently but the pain worsened on the following day. Went to minister to her on the following week.

Just received news from her mum that she is now pain free! Jesus!

Ministering Truth

I am guilty of leading so many times of altar ministry in the past. But in this past year, I have come to realise that altar ministry "destroys" the truth on identity that is meant to set people free. It is not a question of humbling yourself to go to the altar for ministry. If we seek to live by experiences/manifestations/impartations, we will fail to understand and walk in the truth.

I always wondered about inner healing ministry. I haven't seen/heard about a biblical inner healing that follows Jesus' ways. But now I realise that Jesus simply ministered truth.

What Dan Mohler said is very true. People always shared testimonies of how they were delivered after the inner healing/deliverance session, but they almost never shared the fruit of it, because many went back to bondage again. Only truth can produce fruit.

"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:36

"You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." - John 8:32

The key to wholeness is knowing the truth.

Jeshua: When you read this blog in future, remember that this is the truth. Don't ever be swayed by other teachings. The Spirit in you will always bear witness. Watch this video if the link is still working for you.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Where I Started

Few nights ago, while ministering to a few staff, my wifey waited patiently at the dinner table, for she understood and supported what I was doing.

Reflecting back, I am very thankful and grateful.

It didn't start off this way close to four years ago. There was a point when I 'preyed' and prayed for every single person who needed healing in the streets. I prayed for several months without seeing any single healing. My wife felt embarrassed each time she went out with me. For this was something that was unusual for her. She had no model to see from.

One day, my church had the privilege to host Todd White in my Senior Pastor's office. As a staff, I was able to connect with him and ask questions. Without me asking, Todd shared that for the first eight-nine months when he prayed for people in the streets, his wife refused to go out with him. She, too, felt embarrassed. That was the encouragement that spurred me on to keep doing what I was doing. It was probably one of the best conversations that impacted my life. Todd White is such an authentic man.

Today, I had a conversation with my wife. I used to pray for so many people before I saw my first healing. Because I didn't know anyone who could bring me out to the streets at that time. It was a long process of persistence.

But it is something I don't want anyone to go through anymore. At the breakfast table, I told her, "So far, every single person who went out with us for street healing will definitely see the first healing in their lives and they will continue to walk in healing." She replied, "So I must go out with you one day too."

You don't know how much that sentence meant to me... from where I started from. Jesus is so good! 

Each time when we walk in the truth, it demands a response. Truth either challenges the heart to reject or accept. There is no status quo. As long as we keep walking, the truth will defend itself. I don't know what your situation is. But I know that as long as we keep walking in the truth, God is faithful to do what we can't do.

#tooawesome #beyondwords

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Seeing What Christ Sees: Healing Is Not A Mystery

How healing works is a MYSTERY. But how healing doesn't work is not a mystery. 

It is kind of contradicting to say that God's will is clear about healing but when it doesn't happen, we say it's a mystery.

The disciples were given power and authority to cast out ALL demons and to heal ALL sicknesses and diseases. (Luke 9:1; Matt 10:1)

But for one incident, they failed to cast out the demon. (Matt 17)

Jesus didn't say, "Oh boy, it's a mystery."

He didn't say, "You know what? God is still good and He is absolute love."

He didn't say, "This demon is very powerful."

He didn't say, "Well done. You have done your part."

He didn't say, "Well, the boy's father didn't really believe."

He didn't say, "Sometimes, it doesn't happen. Anyway, if he dies, it will be ultimate healing."

He actually rebuked the disciples, "O faithless and perverse generation..." (Matt 17:17) The word "perverse" is to "distort the purpose and plans of God." God's will is to heal. By failing to heal the demon-possessed boy, it was a distortion of God's purpose. Jesus expected His disciples to cast out the demon because they were given authority and power over ALL demons.

The disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” (Matt 17:19)

Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you." (Matt 17:20)

Jesus didn't say, "Because of your lack of faith." He said, "Because of your unbelief." The disciples had faith to cast out demons. They had good success (Luke 10:17). But they couldn't cast out the demon this time, not because they didn't have faith, but because they had unbelief - failing to see what Christ sees. 

The level of faith is not an issue when it comes to healing and deliverance. Jesus confirmed that by saying, "...if you have faith as a mustard seed..." Mustard seed is extremely small. In other words, even if you have a very small degree of faith, nothing will be impossible for you. Mark 11:23 also confirms this. It says, "whoever says to this mountain... and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says." It's simply about believing without doubting (Mark 5:36 - "Fear not, only believe and she will be well.").

James 1:6-8 says "But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways."

The problem does not lie with the level/degree of faith. The problem lies with having unbelief mixed with believing. It doesn't take great faith for healing and deliverance. It takes PURE faith (no unbelief).

Jesus gave the tool to remove unbelief. "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." This is not referring to the demon. If it is so, we will not know which demon requires fasting and prayer before we can cast it out. Jesus didn't fast and pray to cast out this demon either. Jesus never fasted and prayed for a miracle. Jesus fasted and prayed into a lifestyle. He stayed in the place of intimacy with the Father so that He could always see what the Father sees.

Here, Jesus was talking to His disciples about removing unbelief by fasting and prayer --- communion with the Father. Because when we get to the place of intimacy with the Father, we learn to see what He sees. When we see what He sees, unbelief has to go. Nothing will be impossible for us.

Before Jesus cast out the demon, He was actually at Mount Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1). He was in communion with the Father. He was continually seeing what the Father sees. He came down from the mountain (Matthew 17:9) bringing the Father's perspective to the demon-possessed boy.

This is the only passage where Jesus taught His disciples when they failed to cast out a demon / heal someone.

We need to grow in seeing what Christ sees and removing unbelief so that nothing is impossible for us. The way to grow is to know and see His love for us on the Cross, because faith always works through love.

How healing works is a mystery. But how healing doesn't work is not. We don't have to make it so complicated by coming out with all kinds of theories that the Bible didn't say.

P.S: This is not for us to beat ourselves down. Because neither do we beat ourselves down for not walking in 100% unconditional love yet. We are not there yet. But we can keep growing.

Monday 19 September 2016

Pubs & Sleazy Areas

Beautiful outreach with sons and daughters from different churches at the pubs and sleazy areas with many healed, prophesied to and heard about Jesus! 

One rugby guy was healed of his 12 years of shoulder injury and he lifted one of us high in the air by simply using his wrists and shoulders' strength. Jesus gave him a brand new shoulder.

Several were prophesied to. One guy was prophesied twice by us in few minutes apart and he received the exact same words God had for him. That released the revelation of his destiny.

One of the two guys disguising as zombies was completely healed when trying to promote an Halloween event. He exclaimed, "What is in your hand?!!!!"

A group of Singaporean ladies were celebrating birthday. When asked if they had problems physically, they were so skeptical that they said, "We are all fine. Oh come back when we are drunk so that you guys can jump on us." But when one of them got healed, they started to look serious and queued for their turn to be healed. Of course, Jesus was made known.

Many knee problems healed; two ACL healed; broken rib healed; forearm healed; tennis elbow healed; backs and necks healed; addiction broken - a guy saw a bright light when being ministered by the ladies; and the list went on with various other testimonies, etc. Jesus is so good! 

The harvest is ready. What are we waiting for?

The reason why many church leaders are afraid of empowering their members is because they are fearful of losing control. They are fearful of members realising their identity as sons and daughters and stop giving them the attention, approval and dependence they seek for. John the Baptist told his disciples, "Behold the Lamb of God." And his disciples left him and went after Jesus. That's true empowerment.

#lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #healing #Gospel #harvestisready

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Testimony From The Test

When I started to work in the real estate industry, I encountered some difficult property agents and uncommon deals. My wife said that God was giving me accelerated training in such a short span of time to handle various difficult issues.

In one of the deals, I met an unscrupulous Christian agent. I have never met anyone like him before. By far, he's still the champion when it comes to manipulation, staging and dishonesty. A non-Christian will easily have a much greater level of conscience than this man. But I know that God sees him righteous as His son. It is him who doesn't know. I remember challenging him on his method, "What do you think as a Christian?"

He was so unethical that I decided to give up the entire deal and lose a huge sum of money where I could pamper my wife and my son with over Christmas period. I was going to close the deal for sure. But I decided to get my hands off the deal and let him take over my buyer directly. I know that if I were to report him to the authorities, he would be in serious trouble. But my buyer (a friend) would also end up with legal issues.

In the midst of all these, a female seller (who is also a property agent) had been following up with me as my buyer was also interested with her unit under the same development. When my buyer bought another unit at a radically low price (orchestrated by the unethical Christian property agent), this female agent was very upset. The low transacted price greatly affected her unit's possible selling price. Despite much explanations, she was fuming. She threatened me, accused me countless of times, and decided that she would report me to the authorities. Being new to the industry, I did not fully understand the implication. I only know that by the grace of God, I have held my integrity and walk uprightly. I could have easily cooperated with the unethical Christian agent and earned a huge sum of money without breaking the law legally.

Christian businessmen: What is legal does not mean it is biblical. There will be loopholes in the legal area. But there is no loophole in the biblical area.

Christian agents: You don't have to follow the methods of top producers and top trainers to earn alot of money or even set breaking records for sellers, if you are doing the dishonest way. Yes, a seller may think you are extremely capable to fetch high price for him. But a white lie is still a lie. Earn it with peace within - that will give God the true glory.

Thus, I spoke to a lawyer and was thankful that I would be charged as innocent even if the female agent were to report me to the authorities. However, over a period of few months, she continued to accuse me and give verbal abuses. In the midst of these, I actually shared Jesus with her. She was wondering why I wasn't afraid.

Eventually, she began to pour out her troubles and problems with me concerning her family. Well, my wife knows this. For a short few months, she didn't contact me. One day, she contacted me and told me that she just recovered from depression and was discharged from hospital. You never know why some people respond in such a negative way. There is a root issue of identity - not knowing who she is.

I continued to share Jesus and prayed for her. She began to visit a church (without me inviting) and came to know Jesus! Today, I just received a photo of her and her family in their church camp. She said, "I'm learning from the Bible."

Your test can become a testimony when you choose Jesus. Todd White said, "Don't let sin against you become sin in you." That is so so true. Jesus is so good! #salvation

Baby Raised From Dead

Brought so much tears. This thing is real. This is what we give ourselves for. So much hope. Jesus!

Tuesday 13 September 2016


It's everyday Jesus. Everyday I pray, "Father, I thank You that I am a son and I will live as a son. Help me to represent You accurately to others."

While buying a cup of teh si siu dai at foodcourt, I had a word of knowledge. So I asked the cashier, "Does one of you have a problem with the wrist?" She asked, "Why did you ask?" I said, "Do you have it?" She said, "Yeah it's me." Held her wrist and she was completely healed.

Then I headed to my Propnex main office to collect a document which was left for me by a real estate partner. While I was waiting for the receptionist to pass me the document, I spoke to the M receptionist and asked how Hari Raya Haji had been for her. The word of knowledge came and I asked, "How's your right wrist?" She asked, "How did you know?! It suddenly hurt since last week." Ministered to her twice and she was set free. The Chinese receptionist asked, "Are you a Christian?" I said, "Yes." She said, "That's powerful." And I told the M about Jesus.

While having dinner with my wife at a Malaysian food stall, I had a word for the female cashier. I asked, "How's the left side of your shoulder?" She said, "I sprained it." While ministering to her, her male colleague looked at me. I turned to him and asked, "And how's your back?" He replied, "How you know? I have serious back problem. I can hardly get up from bed every morning." The lady got completely healed. 

The male colleague kept asking me, "Are you a physician or doctor?" I said, "No. I will tell you the reason later." Anyway, he had his left leg grown out. To be precise, it's actually not the leg growing out when it comes to healing of back problem. It is the spine being adjusted and straightened, thus it seems that the leg is growing out. The leg is not growing. It's the spine that is straightened. Real leg growth is when someone's leg has been amputated or certain part of the bone has been cut off.

The guy felt relieved for his back. I told him, "You see how it goes when you wake up the next day." He asked, "What do you do? What kind of job do you do? Are you a Pastor?" I said, "No. I'm just a Christian. Jesus lives in me and He heals you." One of his colleagues saw what happened and came to me, "I have numbness on my finger. Can you heal that?" She received healing. The same guy came back to me and asked, "Actually I can't really open my palm in the morning. Can you pray for me?" I ministered to him and said, "You see how it goes the next morning."

There is a place where we can manifest Him without being churchy. It's a daily thing to be the church instead of asking people to go to church. I am a first generation believer. I was a Taoist. When I stand in the shoes of a non-believer, I can feel what they feel. If I were to ask a Christian to join me in the Buddhist temple, almost 100% will reject my invitation. If I organise an outreach event to be held in the Buddhist temple with free food and stuff, which Christian wants to participate? It's time to stop inviting people to the church unless you have first been the church to them. It's not about clocking number to make the church look big and good.

Jesus didn't ask Zacchaeus, "Would you like to come to My house today? I'm holding an evangelistic meeting." Instead, He said, "Zacchaeus, I must go to your house today." You don't need to keep giving invitation if you learn to be a walking incarnation of Christ. #lifestylechristianity101 #collectingpayment #daily #healing #Gospel

Saturday 3 September 2016

Mum's Salvation

I had bought two tickets for New Creation Church Mooncake Festival Hokkien Evangelistic service. Invited mum to attend with me.

As the date was drawing nearer, mum kept having various excuses for not wanting to attend. I knew that the enemy was influencing her mind to stop her from going.

Even this morning before the event, I suddenly had a throbbing headache. Felt so nausea that I wanted to puke. Took authority over the enemy in Jesus' name. When we arrived at the service, the headache just disappeared all of a sudden. The enemy has no new trick. But oh well, he is a defeated foe. We just have to stand firm in Jesus' name.

I had invited mum to many Mandarin services before few years ago, but it came to a point where she refused to attend, for fear of being 'converted' to be a Christian.

I was so glad that she agreed to attend today. I told God that I would simply rest and trust in Him.

During the altar call, she actually lifted her left hand to indicate her decision to receive Jesus! She stood up and prayed both in Hokkien and Mandarin to receive Jesus into her life!

As a first generation Christian whose parents are pious Taoists, I am overjoyed! My mum's generation and her mum/siblings are all Taoists.

Woo hoo! Thank You Jesus!!!! Yay God!!! So good!!! Jesus!

Acts 16:31 indeed!

Thursday 1 September 2016

Reaping Mentality

I have read this passage so many times. But God's Word is simply amazing. Because just as God is multi-faceted, so is His Word.

In John 4, Jesus reaped a huge harvest - entire village, by simply reaching a Samaritan woman.

Then He told His disciples, "Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!" - John 4:35

While our natural mind sees seeds, the mind of Christ sees harvest. Jesus saw the end from the beginning. He saw the end - fruit, when it was just a seed. He said to His disciples, "It is ready for harvest!"

This is how we should see every soul - it is ready for harvest. It is ready to enter the kingdom. It is ready to be born again. This is why we do lifestyle christianity 101, because every single person is a potential revivalist (once you are born again, you are a walking revival). Until we learn to see the fruit instead of the seed, we will not move.

John 4:37-38 - "For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”

It is true that one sows and another reaps. But our main role is not sowing. Jesus said, "I have sent you to reap what you have not sown."

In the natural, we reap what we sow.
In the kingdom, we reap what Jesus had sown.

He had sown obedience, zoe life, righteousness, divine health, etc. We are simply reaping what He had sown. This is a life of gratitude. Evangelism IS gratitude. Reaching the lost is simply reaping what He had sown. What a privilege! Jesus has finished it all. Our role is just to reap the souls. #lifestylechristianity101 #Gospel

P.S: It is true that we are not always the ones witnessing the result of someone receiving salvation. We just reaped a measure of their baby steps towards salvation. The next person comes and reaps the full measure as the lost enters the kingdom and gets born again. The opposite is also true. Very often, people before us have preached the Gospel to them and reaped some measure of their steps towards salvation. We just happen to be the next one to reap the full measure.