Sunday 28 June 2015


Son is recovering from flu and fever. After my wife and I tried to settle him down in the morning, I was running late to church.

Took a cab. Received WOK - right side of driver's neck.

He said it's the left side. He sprained it three days ago. Prayed and he felt alot better. He asked, "You have the gift of healing?"

Apparently, he is a Christian from CHC. Shared with him that we can all do the same works because we have the Holy Spirit.

Saturday 27 June 2015

In The Bus

While taking a bus back home, I felt heat on my right foot. I stood beside an uncle.

We alighted at the same bus stop. I approached him and asked. He said that's probably because he stood too long but he gently declined help.


Received a WOK in a different way for the salesgirl at NEX - left side of her neck. She reached out to me to buy their products. So I reached out to her about Jesus haha.

Bought a product for my wifey.

This time, I didn't "see" or "read" as I usually do. But my eyes are drawn to that area.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. She said that she easily sprains her neck as her spine is not straight.

I asked her supervisor if I could pray for her to be healed. But her supervisor declined as they were working. The salesgirl said I could make an appointment with her to pray for her.

On my way up to get something from Courts, I saw a lady with crutches. Spoke to her. To my surprise, she said that she saw me before at Tan Tock Seng hospital when I was praying for people. She was open and allowed me to pray for her fractured thigh. I asked her friend to lay hand on hee thigh. Also prayed for her health as she is still recovering from cancer.

Heal her completely, Lord!

Friday 26 June 2015

Weak Knees

WOK for taxi driver - weak knees.

He acknowledged it but refused to be prayed for as he wanted to leave quickly to earn money.

Bless him Lord!

Sunday 21 June 2015

Cab to MBS

Had a WOK for the driver - neck area.

She said that she just went to the Chinese physician on the previous day. Apparently, her whole family has this neck problem. They tend to sprain their neck easily.

Laid hand on her neck and prayed a quick prayer. She couldn't tell the difference as there was no pain at that moment.

Am trusting the Lord to heal her completely.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Center of Siam Square

While waiting for my wife, I saw a young male security officer. I asked, "God, show me what the angels are doing in his life." Immediately, I saw a black angel gently touching his right ankle.

Went up to him and spoke in Thai - "Ti Ni Jab Ma?" This means "Is it painful here?" He nodded. I laid hand and prayed. Then I asked him to test out. He was healed. Praise Jesus!

More Lord more! Let me see more into the spirit realm. Grant me an increase in the gift of discerning of spirits so that I may reach more souls! Thank You Jesus!

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Central World Mall

Saw a black angel in silouhette form hugging a salesman from the back. As I went to approach him, I realised that he was a "she" - butch.

Tried to communicate with her but she couldn't understand much English. God wants to love her and minister the heart of the Father.

I requested to pray for her. She nodded, though she was a Buddhist. Held her hand and prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her with love.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

First Day - Bangkok

1) While we were on the flight to Bangkok for a family trip, I asked God to open my eyes to see what the angels were doing in a man's life. He was sitting two rows in front of me at the left section.

I saw a little demon hammering his right knee. After the plane landed, he stood up and walked out of the entrance, limping. I knew that it was a confirmation of what I saw. But I didn't manage to pray for him.

2) We went to MBK to buy the blue screen protector for our mobile phones. While waiting for the sales assistant to paste the screen protector, I prayed for his boss. She had pain at her hip area. She received partial healing. Two other sales assistants saw what happened. The first one asked, "How did you do it?" The second one requested prayer for the sole of his feet. He shared that he would sometimes experience pain when he sits for too long.

More Lord! Let Your glory to evident to the Thai people!

Sunday 14 June 2015

TPY Outreach

1) Lower back, centre
- Filipino lady wasn't open for prayer

2) Left side of the neck
- Burmese guy wasn't open for prayer

3) Back of the neck
- Thai guy wasn't open for prayer, though the back of his neck was really swollen

The Holy Spirit came powerfully upon a Filipino lady who requested prayer for her left shoulder. While praying, I felt heat flowing through my hand. Thus, I asked her if she felt anything. She tested by turning her head to the left a few times and she said, "Ya!" Then she lifted both arms and exclaimed, "I could feel goosebumps all over. Wah! I'm now okay!" She was so surprised that she started telling her friend what just happened.

God's manifest presence was upon her and we prayed for the Holy Spirit to fill her.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Discerning Of Spirits

Recently, I listened to a teaching on activating the gift of discerning of spirits. Thus, I decided to put it into practice.

I stood beside a lady while waiting for the LRT. I said, "God, show me what the angels are doing in her life."

Immediately, I saw an angel gently rubbing her arm. Then I saw the word "rheumatism" at the screen of my mind.

Checked with her and she confirmed it. Wow!

Didn't manage to pray for her as the train came and she sat beside someone.

Resting In Him

I was diagnosed with an incurable, autoimmune disease in 2007. It is known as Ankylosing Spondylitis. Due to the awful symptoms, I went through much pain and discouragement.

Few months ago, I went for my medical review with TTSH. The rheumatologist asked me many questions as she was surprised by my medical result. According to the medical report, my blood test was as good as a normal healthy person. I could even stretch better than an average person.

Even when doctors say that a disease is incurable, we have doctor Jesus who heals!

Recently, I woke up in the morning with an excruciating pain near my pelvic area. I couldn't hardly walk. The first thing that came to my mind was, "Am I not yet healed? Did the disease return?"

But I instantly remembered what Curry Blake said, "Sometimes, you will get the symptoms of your past sickness. The pain is so real. But it is an attack from the enemy. He wants to cause you to doubt the healing you have received. So stand firm and stand on the Word of God."

I knew that this was an attack. I wasn't trying to say that the pain wasn't there. I wasn't denying the pain. But I told myself to stand firm in what I have already received. I had received complete healing.

During my time of devotion, I told God, "Father, I rest and trust in Your healing. By Your stripes, I am already healed. I refuse to have these symptoms and pain. Thank You, Jesus for healing me."

After spending time with God, I stood up from my seat and the pain totally disappeared! Praise Jesus!

The trouble we have about healing is that we don't really believe in it. We can see more healings if we simply believe in two simple truths. Oh yes, we have to believe in our heart, not our head.

1) It is always God's will to heal
2) It is only by His grace. We cannot work for it. Therefore, we can just rest and trust in Him.

Friday 12 June 2015

On The Way To Visitation

Took a cab to visit a church member as part of our monthly visitation.

Had a WOK for the driver - left side of his back.

He confirmed it and said that it wasn't just that area. Many other areas were in pain.

Did a quick prayer for him as he wasn't open for prayer.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Immediate Answer

As I was spending time with God this morning, I told Him that I would like to have opportunities to minister to people today.

I had been rushing from place to place for the past two months. Thus, I haven't really been active in reaching the lost, except for the Sunday outreaches at TPY.

As I entered the lift just now, I saw the cleaner lady in the lift. This was the first time I saw her in the lift! God answered my prayer immediately.

I said, "Father, she must be the one." Had a WOK for her right shoulder.

When I asked her, she confirmed it. Apparently, she had a fall recently and injured her right shoulder.

Prayed once and she felt better. Didn't have the time to pray more. But I'm trusting that the Lord will heal her completely in a sudden way. Praise Jesus!