Friday 27 February 2015

Slipped Disc

Managed to pray for the wanton mee auntie (who has heart palpitation) yesterday. Let's see how it goes.

Prayed for a guy from Hope Church (my home church) who came to TPCMC with crutches.

Spoke to a cab driver (only 34 years old) and found out that he had slipped disc. Prayed for him and he said that the pain from his neck towards spine was gone.

He's a free thinker. Gave him my mobile for follow up. He texted me immediately after he reached home to thank me.

More Lord more!

Monday 23 February 2015

China Man With A Crutch

Went to NTUC to get some groceries when I saw a china man walking with a crutch. Approached him and he told me that he fractured his ankle area one month ago. It hadn't recovered since then.

Prayed for him quickly as wifey (in hunger) was waiting for me. Told him that I'm a Christian and I prayed in Jesus' name. He shared with me that he owns a Bible but he doesn't read it. I encouraged him to read it when he is free.

Bless him, Lord!

Friday 20 February 2015


Driver - WOK: Back of neck. Healed.

Mac Cafe - Tampines Mall

Had coffee with wifey and Jeshua at Tampines Mall's Mac Cafe. I think this is the best outlet so far.

Went over to Mac Donald to buy sweet corn for Jeshua. Had a WOK for the cashier's left shoulder.

She was very skeptical - "Can this work?" Prayed and she felt the same. But I'm trusting the Lord to heal her suddenly. Encounter this Muslim, Jesus!

Wednesday 18 February 2015


1) Neck - uncle
2) Left knee - man in the lift

Didn't get to pray for both.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

The Fish Shop

Had early dinner with wifey at the Fish Shop, NEX as I would be heading back to church before going for a wake service.

WOK for waiter - right shoulder. Prayed and he got better. Should have prayed again for complete healing.

He asked me how I knew. Shared Jesus with him.

Motorbike Accident

Driver - WOK: back of neck. He sustained injury due to motorbike accident. Prayed and he felt shoulder become light.

Monday 16 February 2015


Yesterday, I led a team out to TPY central for street evangelism + healing.

We had three clues received through prayer. One of the clues was confirmed by three people: an old auntie who wears floral dress, carrying a plastic bag; she has walking disability. One of our team members actually spotted the exact lady when we went out there, but she didn't approach her.

We spoke to a few people and prayed for them.

1) Followed up on one man whom we prayed before. He had some discomfort around his knuckle area. Prayed and he felt much better.

2) Prayed for the owner of a stall that does alteration of pants. Had a WOK for his neck. He got healed. Prayed for his left leg and he felt better.

3) A lady from the boutique shop saw what we were doing. I asked her if she had any problem and she shared that she had recurring headache (but she didn't have it at that point in time). Prayed for her anyway.

4) Spoke to the owner of a shop that sells mattresses and mattress covers. Had a WOK concerning her left heel area. She said that she had this problem but she became fine after making customised insole. Prayed for her back and recurring headache (which she didn't have at that point in time).

5) Saw an uncle limping and approached him. He suffered from stroke and was still having pain in his body and leg. Prayed for him and he started to cry. He broke down in tears. Not sure if it was the Holy Spirit touching his heart or he was just pouring out his grief. We sat him down as he couldn't seem to be able to stand. Asked him if he's a Buddhist and he shared that he worshiped Guan Yin. He said that he didn't know who Jesus is. My colleague shared the Gospel in Mandarin to him. Another led him to say salvation prayer. Yes! He received Christ! Woo hoo! That's the greatest miracle! Two other members sent him home by giving him a lift to Yishun. Thank God for their hearts!

When I returned to office, my PIC asked if there were healings and I responded, "Yes, minor ones."

This morning, as I was spending time with God, God spoke to me, "What do you mean by minor ones?" God spoke to my heart. No healing is minor because it is still a miracle even if it's a neck ache or headache. It involves the God of the universe! Man, I repented and I told myself to thank God thoroughly for all kinds of healings.

At the staff meeting, we watched a short clip of creation theory VS evolution. Even a slightest repair in one part of a human body is extremely complicated as it involves tissues, proteins, DNA etc. It is really complex and beyond my wildest imagination. In other words, even the slightest problem (according to our viewpoint) such as neck ache involves many processes in a human body in order to repair itself. Every healing IS a miracle! It is so amazing!

More Lord more!

We will be out for more outreach so that residents will be familiar with us. The day will come when people will just wait for us at that location because they know that we will bless them --- then we will draw them to our church. Praise Jesus!

Sunday 15 February 2015

Indian Worker

Bought dinner. While walking back home, I saw an Indian worker sitting at the void deck. WOK - back. Prayed and he was healed. He couldn't really understand English though...

Wanton Mee Stall - Kou Fu

WOK - heart palpitation for one of the aunties at wanton mee stall, Kou Fu. Offered to pray but she asked me to come again when she is not that busy.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Time To Really Wake Up

I had an interesting encounter with a driver today. He is not just a Taoist. He is a medium. His temple is located at Geylang Lorong 20. Man, I feel like visiting them and release the kingdom of God.

I gave him a word of knowledge but it was wrong! Managed to pray for his slipped disc though. He had pain at his neck area on and off, so we couldn't verify at that moment. Heal him, Jesus!

He gave back a word of knowledge and it was spot on - my son is very smart. This is true because Prophet Amos also prophesied on Jeshua before.

He told me that his late mum was a Christian and his brother is a pastor. When his mum died, he and his friends saw two groups of angels coming for his mum - hell angels and heavenly angels. The latter group brought his mum up to heaven while the former group couldn't do anything as they understood that she was a Christian. Few days later, he (as a Taoist medium) prayed to Jesus and had a conversation with Him. He actually saw Him in heaven. He requested Jesus to let him talk to his mum and Jesus permitted (he kept saying that Jesus is really merciful). If this is true, my theology is wrecked again. Anyway, my theology has changed progressively over the years. Anyone whose theology doesn't change at all is either perfect or under deception.

He added that Holy Scriptures in the Bible are indeed powerful. But he shared that every religion has same power. There is no difference as long as we don't do evil things.

Man.... I think we churches really need to rise up and walk in the Spirit realm. If we are powerless, why would mediums, spiritists, witch doctors, New Age people, etc. want Jesus? They have counterfeit powers. We have authentic power of Jesus. We got to grow and tap into the untapped realm. We haven't even done the same works that Jesus did while He was on earth! And Jesus promised that we would do GREATER works than Him (John 14:12). Help me, Lord. I need MORE of You!

Friday 13 February 2015


Driver - WOK: Left thigh.

He has problem with it but not open for prayer.

New Newspaper Auntie

There's a new newspaper auntie selling magazines and stuff outside of our church. Had a WOK concerning her knee. She has pain whenever she tries to climb steps.

I went to buy a drink for her and offered to pray but she rejected both haha...

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Diabetic Condition

Had two WOKs for the driver after a meeting that ended very late.

1) Back of neck
2) Diabetes

He shared that he had the neck problem on and off; he had diabetes, high cholesterol level and blood pressure.

Prayed for him. He's a Muslim. He asked me what I would use to pray for him. I said "In Jesus' name."

Holy Spirit, encounter him!

Monday 9 February 2015


WOK for uncle selling drinks at coffee shop - right knee. He shared that the cause is diabetes. Prayed for him.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Christian Lady From TPCMC

Saw a lady limping as I was manning a booth in church this morning. My colleague helped me to man the booth as I approached her.

Her right leg is shorter than her left due to an accident. Doctor had to cut one part of her bones, resulting in this condition.

Prayed for her and the right leg only grew out a little. It is still shorter than the left. She was excited as she felt the difference. Jesus, continue to grow the leg even right now!

This is a second time I encountered such case. If it's to do with crooked spine, I have faith for complete healing for the growth of the leg. But this is not. I need to have a greater revelation of God's goodness and renewal of mind to see complete healing in this area. More Lord!

Tuesday 3 February 2015


1) Went Mac Donald at MBK to get a drink as I was very thirsty. Had a WOK for the cashier - left shoulder. Prayed & she said that she's fine. Couldn't communicate with her as she couldn't really speak English.

2) Went to a shop named Udom as I was thinking of getting a gift for my wife. Had a WOK for the salesman - left knee. Prayed and he was healed. Couldn't communicate either.

Two of his colleagues saw what was happening. I asked if they have any pain in their bodies and one of them responded by pointing to his left deltoid area. Prayed twice and he only felt a little better. I'm trusting that the full manifestation of God's healing will be upon him as he goes home. Amen!

3) While walking in the streets with a colleague, I saw an officer (not sure if he's a policeman or not) wearing an elbow guard. Prayed for his left elbow and he felt good. He thanked me by shaking my hand but I couldn't communicate with him.

Monday 2 February 2015

Before Retreat

Shared cab with two other colleagues to the airport. Had a WOK for the driver - left knee. Prayed for him while he was driving. Healed.

While checking in my luggage, I had a WOK for the female staff. Shook her hand and prayed for her left shoulder. She felt better.

Keep making Jesus known.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Heartland Mall

Had dinner at Kovan coffeeshop.

Went to get a drink from the hawker centre near Heartland Mall while my wife brought Jeshua to the mall.

After getting my drink, I went to find them. Called my wife but she didn't pick up. As I walked around, I saw an auntie wearing a wrist guard. She was manning a stall with a young lady.

Prayed for her. Surprised, she looked at the young lady, because there was no more pain. She kept rotating her wrist freely.

Turned to the young lady and said, "You have neck problem." I didn't even receive any WOK. It just went past my mind and came straight out of my mouth. She replied, "I always have this problem. Since a long time ago."

Asked her to place her hand on the back of her neck and prayed for her. When she tested it out, her facial expression was priceless! It was gone :) Praise Jesus!

Told them about Jesus...

Best Denki, Compass Point

Went Best Denki to buy a vacuum cleaner as the old one is spoilt since some time ago.

A salesgirl from China attended to me. Had a WOK for the left side of her neck area.

When I asked her, she said "No" initially. When I probed again, she nodded. I touched that area and prayed twice. She was completely healed.

In shock and disbelief, she asked how I knew, because she had just used medical plaster in the morning due to the pain. She said that it's magical to her. She's a Buddhist. Buddhist gods don't talk to them. What a great chance to talk about Jesus!

Saw a Malay salesman limping. He had slipped disc. He couldn't be prayed for as he was worried that his boss would not be happy. Thus, he asked me for contact number so that he can arrange for me to pray for him.

Another salesgirl came to me and told me that one of her colleagues I prayed for some time ago is now in hospital due to stroke. Asked her for details so that I can make arrange to visit him.

The needs are plenty. We really need an army who will take the Gospel out of the church.

Today, the caretaker's brother came for our service. Praise Jesus! After second service, he came to see me and thank me for praying for him on Friday night. Praying that his friend will come to our church too! More Lord!